Despite the large cost of digitization of the audio collections, including the audio books, despite the problems with access to hardware and software, it seems necessary to rescue the first sound recordings even in order to save the Polish cultural heritage. Although work on the digitization of printed resources are going pretty well - evidenced by the efficient cooperation of regional digital libraries - but its completion is still a long way to go. Much worse is the digitalization of library music collections. So far, only saved recordings stored on rolls record. Therefore, several questions arise: What
with several thousands of records, which arose before World War II in the Polish record labels?
What about the thousands of audio books to blind and visually impaired can still borrow at libraries that provide this type of collection (the first such publication founded in the early sixties)? Although
Polish Radio Archives is working on the digitalization of sound of its own resources, but because of the very large number of professionals in this task, the process will be lengthy. In addition, Polish Radio will not be able zdygitalizować Polish audio resources in a holistic manner. Is impeded because of their considerable fragmentation and probably also the total destruction of some of them. As long as everyone interested in the Polish Radio zdygitalizowanymi collections must go to him personally, and yet the world goes out of their collections to the Internet users in the network can also be found in American drama presented the radio in the fifties and recorded music and movie longer belong in the public domain. Poland compared to wzmiankowanymi above the state and private initiatives falls very pale. Only the so-called. Internet pirates still share their collections, including audio books.
After analyzing the audio book titles that circulate in the circulation of illegal kind, quite important is the ascertainment that some of them (111 titles) is already in the public domain and as such, they can quite quickly disappear from this circuit. The fact that the publisher decided to hire a teacher and re-enter the title on the market, should not be a problem in its free circulation, if found, a group of volunteers who are willing to follow the example of the setting up of enthusiasts LibriVox.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Cook Brownies In Cookie Cutters
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Man Wear Panties
are accustomed to use the document. At work, at home, in college, the library says, kserujemy, write off, rent documents. The library collects, develops, publishes a bibliography describes the documents. This document provides a description of the basic unit and interests, information retrieval processes. However, wherewith he is? It turns out that a traditional paper very strongly involved with the matter, his carrier. We are accustomed to see him through his physicality. However, this involves the loss of significant amounts of information. For society information is important because the book itself is not understood as a form, no magazine, no cassette or floppy disc but their contents ( content), information stored on them, for example, even a single song from the CD (for example, that a work and not the whole album or an album, an object of desire, it may be the popularity of online shops selling separate pieces for mobile phones, MP3 players, iPods, etc.). This is also with the development of information technology began to manifest itself in completely new ways. Knowledge is perpetuated today in an e-mail, sheets spreadsheets, charts, forms, presentations, may be a virtual pogawędkach. On the horizon of interests within modern bibliographies are already living or inanimate objects, static and moving, even non-existent places, including locations of extraterrestrial and even abstract concepts, service or event!
of descriptions for these phenomena are introducing new concepts such as information object, digital object, the entity, or even an object leksja dokumentopodobny, much better reflecting independence from physical media. Tools to tame these phenomena is a modern modele opisu jak np.: Dublin Core (DC) czy Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), co ciekawe, czytelne zarówno maszynowo jak i dla człowieka. Nadchodzi epoka, w której przyjdzie nam zmienić sposób postrzegania źródła. Forma stanie się bardziej przejrzysta, mniej istotna, dostrzeżemy poprzez nią i uwolnimy wartość najważniejszą – WIEDZĘ.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Why Are Eyes Different Sizes
Gdy nieoczekiwanie bądź co bądź wyrósł na naszych oczach termin web 2.0 wielu uznało go li tylko za modne słowo kluczowe, którym opisuje się wszystko, co nowe w internecie. Nie będę at that moment absorbed in the importance of this period or will not be considered because of its connotation has been done countless numbers of forums, websites and articles, publications.
but I want to draw attention to something else. Namely, when the coined the term began to be 2.0 at the same time seek further signs of lesions located farther to the axis, this time at the point of 3.0.
the first time that numerical solution of word and hear the Web 3.0 conference in Palace of Culture in December 2006 . At that time, Professor Henry Jenkins was suggested that perhaps the sphere of manifestation human activities in Second Life is precisely why the time touching the patch 3.0.
not have to wait long for, behold, a new product on the market game heralds the imminent supply of the console players was serving exploring the possibility of the virtual world of Web 3.0.
not judge me if it good or bad, whether the name matches or not. What makes me wonder whether the matter referred to above on Second Life, and other similar ventures, with sometimes do not gain the opportunity to be immortal. You only need software that will sustain our avatar, and it addressed in accordance with our previous predisposition and some servers, the company that zwietrzy interest in offering such services. If, however, like in RPG games, our avatar will gain more and more new skills (eg, learn foreign languages, gain information, expand their knowledge and, consequently, produce a new message) to or after a certain time to be born this for years and finally sought artificial intelligence?
Or maybe just as was the case with Web 2.0 will be a next evolutionary step, which will be noticed only when naming him, even though the last few years will be in operation. In any event, we have heightened senses of the word novelty, which is to come. When? Nobody knows!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Can You Get Kobe Beef In Calgary?
Long ago a man called Mike Sandbothe wrote a document in which he laid out several characteristics of communication on the Internet. In addition to a featured post in the title were: piktorializacja skryptualizacja letter and image. Since the Polish space in the text of that quote I came across Jeno once, so let's opus recall the following reminders for the sake of the most important thing in my online communication, with which he was posted mentioned above.
One of the main features of the variety Polish language website, if you ask this at all allowed to speak, is skryptualizacja speech. On one hand, this might appear as a threat to the Polish language at all, and secondly as a property that gives new and unlimited possibilities for research.
skryptualizacja term carries in its meaning, beyond the implication that the traditional spoken text on the Internet becomes a written text, important considerations in terms of linguistic content. Namely, so far from the language specialists were mainly texts hence, few works on the oral tests of language, due to difficulties arising from oral sex registration certificates are often inclined to ignore those are in the course of inference and concentrate only on those events more tangible language.
Skryptualizacja speech means that the web visitors the message was originally spoken, and now thanks to the many messengers to the newly introduced into the Polish system. Linguists get at this moment ready to test the material, written material, but presenting an oral variety of natural language.
I therefore that this new phenomenon should be hastened to describe and study, because it is interesting how this will affect the code spoken to written and spoken to return to?
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Upanayanam Invitation Template
interesting text Zizka quite sharply criticizes the virtual world with all its apparent advantages. An important prize awarded annually Man of the Year by Time magazine received by Zizek (quote) each, who uses the Internet or create content as that . The difference between the recipient and the creator is quite obvious. Although the scale of comparison, which for the moment I will use is exaggerated, but it may help to realize what a mistake committed philosopher. To date, give the title Man of the Year in 2006, the community, usually the Time Magazine chose to outstanding individuals. Despite the fact that several were awarded as an abstract example, an American soldier, the Hungarian Uprising, a personal computer or the community - the American middle class and the descendants of the population boom, but these were isolated incidents. Most of the winners were characterized by activity (except a personal computer). In this case, the editors of Time Magazine, and acted like nagrodziła społeczność tworzącą zawartość internetu, a właściwie Web 2.0, a nie biernych odbiorców!
Jeśli Zizkowi wydaje się – pozwolę sobie tutaj zacytować - że każdy, kto patrzy na okładkę "Time'a", nie widzi innych, z którymi jakoby bezpośrednio się komunikuje, lecz lustrzane odbicie samego siebie. Czy wadą jest ujrzenie własnego odbicia w sieci? Czy możność wypowiedzenia się w medium docierającym do milionów ludzi jest mało znaczące i internauta otaczając się podobnymi do niego i spędzając coraz więcej czasu w sieci przestaje dostrzegać real world? A philosopher can imagine such a surfer as an avatar functioning in an alternate world of Second Life, where a locksmith can be a journalist, a hairdresser pop star? And even if so, whether those avatars can not speak freely?
It seems to me that Zizek is wrong. The argument for this could be the opportunity to influence the virtual world to reality even Polish media (see the blog affair Eliza Michalik: a , 2 and 3) whether the rumors posted on a blog, which led to the spread of news of a president, assistant and a fine cigar (a version presented in December in Warsaw, Alexander Bard).