Friday, October 19, 2007

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programs on television Anno Domini 2007

O television programs devoted to issues of books, scientific articles, all of a sudden three, a bit of publicity from newspapers and weeklies. The contents of a scientific objective, as it should be something describe deskrybują, the evidence they draw. Press about these programs nationwide in the light of present rather stereotyped. So what about the book to be on TV Anno Domini 2007?

Ano 2006/2007 late changes are worrisome. The review showed significant losses. Diagnosis in the card: the progressive specialization. The course of the disease, the recommended remedial measures, the outlook for further activities, negotiations. Word epicrisis hospital. Well, our translation.

Some time ago I gave in the "Library Analysis "[No. 184, 2006] review of programs about books objawianych in telewizorni. It turns out that in 2005 there were from 12-16, depending on how the count (all the channels available in the so-called station. Basic package). Beginning in 2006 the program has only 6 Since then, I meditated with plenty of new quality. I released the air through the diaphragm until the new year. And what I see? Season schedule, a little obskubana, requires rapid restoration treatments because it loses incrustation. Of the four manufacturing end of 2006, we have three, plus adding and for the first time to the total set including, a program is not available to all TV Culture, will come out of their fourth

Respirując more rapid anxiously count the exclamation them here, in order of alphabet Polish: "Reading", "Molik book," Television news literature "," Second Edition, Revised. "

Television programs need a viewer, such as a book reader, the only thing you can prescribe the progressive loss of it: switch the TV on designated hours. It seems that the programs will ubywać and / or are likely to be presented in special bands. An increasing number of thematic channels, personalize the offer, especially thanks to the Internet promotes the book as a good treatment for some. Creates a television for doctors, created a culture of television, finally formed on books and TV .

Friday, October 5, 2007

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Infobroker Who is?

Najsampierw let me refer the reader to a site devoted entirely infobrokeringowi ( ), in which the site will find not only useful but also a broader definition of articles and arguments about the whole idea of \u200b\u200binformation brokering. So I will not multiply considerations, but I will focus on presenting some observations, which has the work of one of my thoughts. VL

almost no sign of equality between infobroker, and informatics. Computer Science, after all write programs solve problems posed in front of him, used for this purpose the computer and modern information and communication technologies. Infobroker, in turn, looks for information that will solve the problem (eg, information necessary for the written program), presents these information in a manner accessible to forward a query that uses the computer and modern information and communication technologies.

It seems, therefore, that these games have much in common, though I would say that infobroker should have greater leeway and wield greater knowledge. Just remember science classes in public schools. They consist of roughly depends on learning the use of certain technologies. However, the longer side communication technologies is beyond the scope of such activities. Professionals lack the humanistic perspective, derived from science, after all, this is just a humanist infobroker would like to say, maybe more, or at least should be able to.

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bibliotherapy proves ...........

book, as you know consists of a material and consistently in this material text, expressed the most graphic signs the letter, which it (the letter) is transmitting information. Aside from the fact that, in terms of McLuhan medium (eg book) is itself a message, I wanted to give a valid reason for paying a higher bet, in my opinion, should be the same transfer of information contained in the book, so the content of the material. I realize that for many people is the subject of art books, and that more importance they ascribe to it material form, thus depriving the status of the book, however, such as a computer file.

Well, pay attention to the issue biblioterapii. What is it I will explain briefly. Well, diagnosed a problem the reader should get him a book such a position (or plural), which give him to reduce this problem. Of course it will not happen right away, with the rest of the effectiveness I will not speak, there would need someone with education and psychological bibliotekoznawczym. Roughly, however, the matter is such that the reception of the text, or more specifically the story, the story is designed to restore spiritual balance (more Wikipedia ).

What, therefore, am I going? To the fact that although we are talking about biblioterapii, as if this book was treated, so a matter of fact a de facto treat the text contained in that book. You might as well talk about internetoterapii whether weboterapi, netoterapii lost and then treat the reader a collection of blog entries, selfpublishingiem of Internet social networking. Is, for example, video services do not fulfill a similar function, we can find a movie for every occasion, laugh and diverting over.