Internet dla wielu jest podstawowym źródłem wszelkiej informacji. Wszechobecność Sieci i coraz łatwiejszy do niej dostęp czyni ze świata WWW źródło podręczne, natychmiastowe oraz instant. Jednym kliknięciem użytkownicy zagłębiają się w zasobach globalnej pajęczyny szczęśliwi, że oto za pośrednictwem komputera uzyskują wszystkie niezbędne informacje. Istny pharmakon nepenthes (środek łagodzący ból i troski). Panaceum na informacyjne bolączki. Owa prostota obsługi, wyrażająca się intuicyjnym przetrząsaniem świata licznych witryn i serwerów jest jednakże deceptive. Internet is by no means simple or easy or pleasant to the touch. To a large extent of positive feeling conducive to visual interfaces, use the virtual world for the same purposes as the old media, such as watching television, listening to the radio, or the usual developing and maintaining interpersonal contacts. It can therefore be assumed that most people are taking the Internet gains a very superficial way, content with his ability to completely elementary.
When asked why the media is tough? My answer: the whole Internet architecture is built on a foundation of numerous codes semiotics, such as natural language, like the Polish or English, artificial languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Esperanto, programming languages \u200b\u200bsuch as HTML, etc. To be able to read a particular semiotic code is a need of knowledge about the semiotic uzusu. Each code consists of a set of characters and rules (grammar), allowing these characters combine into a larger whole, and therefore knowledge of the code means de facto knowledge of vocabulary (the set of characters) and syntax (rules). The more code that uses an Internet user for more information about them you need to be able to skillfully navigate the cyberświecie, and those as you know, always comes, such as XHTML. On this basis even say that the Internet medium is not at all easy to use. Every time you require them to intellectual effort (receiving, reading, dissemination of information), and that all of the nomen omen extremely consumer media avoids.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What Are The Differences Between A Cold And Mono
Bloat Week Before Period
observing the development and popularity of all sorts of services based on the idea of \u200b\u200b2.0 can be concluded that the interest in literature and popular, phenomenon. Hidden (Deep) Internet ( Invisible Web, Deep Web ) probably lost out a bit from its previous scale. Information still comes naturally, but also comes to pointing meta data of interest to us, comes the tools that facilitate these searches, revealing previously unknown areas of Internet users.
It is generally believed, based on estimates by Michael K. Bergman of 2001 that the resources of the Hidden Internet is about 500 times larger than its content, which is visible (Visible Web , Surface Web ). However, as pointed out L. Derfert-Wolf and S. R. Cisek and Sapa , these estimates were discussed and challenged by others researchers. Certainly Invisible Web is still great, because they are largely those resources which are still typical search engines can not index the content (databases, library catalogs, dynamically generated pages, sites requiring registration, login, etc.). However
specific Web 2.0 tendency to cooperate in the creation of new content broadened to include processes of collecting, describing, processing and sharing of information. Internet users were, we took the typical activities of information centers. There is a growing role and scale of współopisywania, współkatalogowania and classify, what's the chance of leveling the shortcomings of search engines.
great importance to co-editing web directories by volunteers from around the world, concerned about the reliability of the information contained in them such as the DMOZ Open Directory Project: . Appearing on the Internet sites to allow for mutual recommending the interesting sites selected on the basis of shared bookmarks publicly, such as , some services allow you to discuss and evaluate individual items, such as Polish or Thread . com . You can Scare also share their specific news such as , Polish .
can also, more importantly for our considerations, solely to create descriptions of items and make their categorization. Allows such service CiteULike , which free tool to store, organize and share meta-information about interesting scientific articles. Service provides professional tools, such as the display option of bibliographic description in a format chosen by the user (!), A special metryczkę each record in the format BibTeX, for automatically preparing bibliographies for LaTeX users, the data also shows abstracts arykułów.
Support tools to reach high-quality materials are created by the giants in the field of search, such as Google Scholar, Google Book Search , MSN Live Search Academic , Yahoo Search Subscriptions . Libraries resources can penetrate the on-line with the position of the central directory of national, European national libraries through The European Library, and on a global scale can still look like expanding WorldCat.
to valuable web sites direct resources increasingly popular, and now in Poland, a special thematic goals ( Subject Gateways). They are a useful example and proof of marriage of modern Internet technology with the knowledge and experience built up by the library and information science for many decades. They use to organize information for a typical electronic and traditional library classifications, such as the Dewey Decimal System. At the same time their main feature is that the focus is on those most valuable (and often hidden yet at the same time) the resources associated with a given object is also created by experts in the industry. This they attribute is expressed in terms frequently used in relation to these goals, określnikach high quality or quality-controlled . Valuable also is the fact that many of these services carries the idea of \u200b\u200ballowing any interested person to 2.0 enlarging their resources (but always to preserve the quality of added records are checked and, if necessary, be supplemented). See for example U.S. , English or Polish . L. Derfert-Wolf in his articles gives examples of some hundreds of such services and projects.
phenomenon of Web 2.0 will greatly contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about the resources previously not visible. Internet is no longer a hidden fact, if the fingers of his resources indicate the community millions of users.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Do Pealr Thongs Work?
recent opening of The European Library can seem like an attempt to show the American commercial companies such as Google and Microsoft, that Europe can and also joining forces 47 national libraries is able to preserve and present a great online community of the cultural heritage of European countries. Whether the collection will be developed to be as resilient as the Google Book Search project we will see in the near future, but now may be fair to say that the smooth functioning will not be its strengths and finances allocated by the libraries participating in a project its operations will not be able to compare with those to whom the giant internet access. Despite numerous controversies related to the projects Google and Microsoft may be noted that interest in books by these companies began to change the mentality of the circles associated with the book, both amateur and professional. Despite this, it seems striking view of a substantial part of the contributors about reading e-books. Both professionals, which undoubtedly include Grazyna Straus, Catherine and Sebastian Wolff faithful and casual Internet users believe that the percentage of those who read books from monitor must be small. Evidence of this though is that researchers from the National Library until 2006 joined to their surveys, questions about downloading files from the network of books, study by and speeches on various internet forums. Similar conclusions were reached by Andrzej Gasiorowski, who noted that quite easily come into possession of an electronic version of the track, but using it is quite difficult, because it should then re-converted to the printed version, which is highly profitable. Also popular Polish writers tend to be unfavorably disposed to the books read the monitor screens. Despite the opinion of this kind, supported by many lovers of the printed book, the number of e-books is growing. According to Andrew and Aneta Zygadlo Wierzchowska in 2006, circulated on the Internet, "about 20 - 25 thousand books in electronic form in the Polish language in the world probably several hundred thousand items," and "per book sold in bookstores sometimes falls several hundred or several thousand copies and disseminated over the Internet. " Despite the lack of comprehensive studies in this direction, it seems that the estimates of the number of e-books are the network adopted by the cited authors are quite understated. Using the agency only Polish Internet Library, we can reach up to 29 243 publications, and adding the content available in other digital libraries, it appears that we have access to a much higher number of e-books. If, however, take into account only the book, distributed on the Web in violation of the rights of authors and publishers of their number could actually oscillate between 20 and 25 thousand. However, the view that the book sold for one falls a few hundred or a few thousand copies distributed in the network, seems exaggerated. for example (rather subjectively chosen) may take the "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince JK Rowling, which was sold in 2006 in Poland in the number of 544,000 copies. Taking into account the calculations cited authors (Zygadlo and Wierzchowska) just sold this number multiplied by 300, which will result 163 200 000 downloads of the e-book title.