Philip Kindred Dick was a leading writer science fiction. Although he was a valued and bestowed awards, the real has gained fame after his death, unfortunately. Today his books are available in many translations, there were several positions in the Polish language. Hollywood eagerly draws from his work. However also know that the life of Dick occupied a very important information. It also saw in the bike and the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
Fri. 1. * Intelligence information noise
The information on the Philip K. Dick widespread in our country the story of his informants to the FBI on Stanislaw Lem. Because it is knowledge that can shape the image of the intense American writer in the eyes of the Polish reader, let us begin to develop just this thread. To be able to draw conclusions, you should acquire more detailed information.
Philip K. Dick was a brilliant man. The genius that manifested itself in demonstrating a specific relationship, not only between phenomena. His mind was registering the events that occur between the layers of reality, perceived multi aspect even mundane situations. Stanislaw Lem considered unreal figure for a conglomerate composed of several writers of the Eastern bloc, whose goal was a blow to the American science-fiction, and this effect was made denounced to the FBI (English version here ). Dick may actually believe it, and perhaps even guided by the other considerations? He was certainly well known for special skills. He could express the most fantastic, even irrational judgments with complete seriousness. The stone face expressing deep conviction, to observe the reactions of friends. Yes manifested His sense of humor but also the ability to manipulate the audience, which deigned wielogodzinnymi oracjami about classical music, literature and theology. You must also know that the FBI, CIA, communists, Nazis and other often secret, and even imaginary services, they played in the life of Dick significant role. He was afraid of them. He had been in contact with them about a year from 1953 to 1954, during his second marriage. And his wife were visited and Kleo Mini interviewed by a pair of detectives Federal Bureau of Investigation. Then I often feel watched and under surveillance. He feared even by his life. In the late 60s, had multiple problems with the car, including brake failure, which nearly ended in tragedy for him and friends. Broke into his home. Why the service would be interested in him? According to Dick had a good reason. Dick turned up in the world of intellectuals, progressive thinkers and activists, often with left-wing views. In the mid-60s signed along with five other writers and publishers protest against the war tax, which was published in February 1968, Ramparts magazine . By the end of the war in Vietnam, Dick not filled the tax return. In 1979 he wrote: "For 1974 years I lived in constant fear of arrest me." In the late 60's and early 70's, his home in Santa Venetia became a kind of communism, in which the shelter were countless young autsajderzy, writers, musicians, and by the way thieves, drug addicts and drug dealers. This, however, not due to the inclination of the ideology of the hippie (Dick when he was over 40 years), but rather from a difficult and emotional circumstances in which he was fourth after the departure of his wife. The most significant event took place in autumn 1971, when the back foot (because of another suspicious car accident), he found the house broken windows, broken doors, broken locks, disappeared most of his precious things, probably blown up with plastic fireproof cabinet, which was stolen, all documents, letters, manuscripts of novels . FBI clearly dilatory carried out an investigation, before Dick utajono results of the investigation. The event is a writer and had shaken the impact on his work, in which we find many descriptions of these events (including books Radio Free Albemuth , Valis .) Dick is still afraid of reprisals from the authorities, in conjunction with the "civil disobedience" that is, tax boycott of the Vietnam War, was a man of very able to take care of your home budget. He saw the tax office hideous enemy, lived with the spectrum of the confiscation of his meager belongings. Financial stability due to him came late in life.
us recall now some details of the relationship between Phil Dick and Stanislaw Lem. When in 1972, came to him a message about Lem's efforts for a Polish translation of Ubik discharged between the two ambitious but short on literary correspondence. Dick also told that the fee will be able to be paid only in U.S. dollars of non-interchangeable, so even planned to come to Warsaw. The book was published in Poland in 1975. Meanwhile, Dick learned that another writer also published in a series organized by Lem received fees in your own currency. So Lem accused of breach of the terms. Led to remove him from the ranks of Science Fiction Writers Association (the other members had to be wrong in their view, hostile Lemowi comments on American writers). Starting in March 1974 (for Dick is the most significant date, will be talking about this more later), Dick thought that was targeted by Soviet secret police and a tool, considered reasonable that security can provide him with loyalty to their own authorities. Repeatedly asked the police and the FBI for help, not only by post but by telephone. Some want to dump
fears and perceptions attributed to Dick at the door of his paranoia (various phobias, unfortunately, accompanied him throughout his life). Although his assessment of reality would be fantastic for us, you must also remember that Dick could be very critical towards each other and among the hundreds of interpretations, which he constructed wanting to understand their own experiences, analyze the possibility of illness or simple hallucinations. His fifth wife Tess, said: "I believed him. I've always asked:>> Have I gone mad? << A ja zawsze mówiłam, że nie. Wariaci nie zadają takich pytań. Oni wiedzą, że są normalni”. Pamiętajmy też, jak odbierali Dicka jego przyjaciele. On żył we własnym świecie, wszystko co mówił, robił, wynikało z głębokich przekonań. Choćby przedstawiał wiele różnych wersji tego samego wydarzenia, w jego umyśle wszystko było prawdą.
should therefore consider the essential aspects that led to Dick. This could be: 1 fear before the mysterious organization wishing to destroy him and the need for support; 2 willingness to take the services of a typical dickowskiego , sophisticated wit, a kind of revenge for the tank to respond to his requests for assistance; 3 frustration due to financial problems; 4 obsession, phobia, paranoia. Most likely you will say that underlying the decision to write to the FBI on Lem, lay all of those mentioned items. Tbc
* In determining the biographical data I used the book: L. Sutin. God invasions. Life of Philip K. Dick. Poznań 2005, 416 p.