Internet dla wielu jest podstawowym źródłem wszelkiej informacji. Wszechobecność Sieci i coraz łatwiejszy do niej dostęp czyni ze świata WWW źródło podręczne, natychmiastowe oraz instant. Jednym kliknięciem użytkownicy zagłębiają się w zasobach globalnej pajęczyny szczęśliwi, że oto za pośrednictwem komputera uzyskują wszystkie niezbędne informacje. Istny pharmakon nepenthes (środek łagodzący ból i troski). Panaceum na informacyjne bolączki. Owa prostota obsługi, wyrażająca się intuicyjnym przetrząsaniem świata licznych witryn i serwerów jest jednakże deceptive. Internet is by no means simple or easy or pleasant to the touch. To a large extent of positive feeling conducive to visual interfaces, use the virtual world for the same purposes as the old media, such as watching television, listening to the radio, or the usual developing and maintaining interpersonal contacts. It can therefore be assumed that most people are taking the Internet gains a very superficial way, content with his ability to completely elementary.
When asked why the media is tough? My answer: the whole Internet architecture is built on a foundation of numerous codes semiotics, such as natural language, like the Polish or English, artificial languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Esperanto, programming languages \u200b\u200bsuch as HTML, etc. To be able to read a particular semiotic code is a need of knowledge about the semiotic uzusu. Each code consists of a set of characters and rules (grammar), allowing these characters combine into a larger whole, and therefore knowledge of the code means de facto knowledge of vocabulary (the set of characters) and syntax (rules). The more code that uses an Internet user for more information about them you need to be able to skillfully navigate the cyberświecie, and those as you know, always comes, such as XHTML. On this basis even say that the Internet medium is not at all easy to use. Every time you require them to intellectual effort (receiving, reading, dissemination of information), and that all of the nomen omen extremely consumer media avoids.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
What Are The Differences Between A Cold And Mono
Bloat Week Before Period
observing the development and popularity of all sorts of services based on the idea of \u200b\u200b2.0 can be concluded that the interest in literature and popular, phenomenon. Hidden (Deep) Internet ( Invisible Web, Deep Web ) probably lost out a bit from its previous scale. Information still comes naturally, but also comes to pointing meta data of interest to us, comes the tools that facilitate these searches, revealing previously unknown areas of Internet users.
It is generally believed, based on estimates by Michael K. Bergman of 2001 that the resources of the Hidden Internet is about 500 times larger than its content, which is visible (Visible Web , Surface Web ). However, as pointed out L. Derfert-Wolf and S. R. Cisek and Sapa , these estimates were discussed and challenged by others researchers. Certainly Invisible Web is still great, because they are largely those resources which are still typical search engines can not index the content (databases, library catalogs, dynamically generated pages, sites requiring registration, login, etc.). However
specific Web 2.0 tendency to cooperate in the creation of new content broadened to include processes of collecting, describing, processing and sharing of information. Internet users were, we took the typical activities of information centers. There is a growing role and scale of współopisywania, współkatalogowania and classify, what's the chance of leveling the shortcomings of search engines.
great importance to co-editing web directories by volunteers from around the world, concerned about the reliability of the information contained in them such as the DMOZ Open Directory Project: . Appearing on the Internet sites to allow for mutual recommending the interesting sites selected on the basis of shared bookmarks publicly, such as , some services allow you to discuss and evaluate individual items, such as Polish or Thread . com . You can Scare also share their specific news such as , Polish .
can also, more importantly for our considerations, solely to create descriptions of items and make their categorization. Allows such service CiteULike , which free tool to store, organize and share meta-information about interesting scientific articles. Service provides professional tools, such as the display option of bibliographic description in a format chosen by the user (!), A special metryczkę each record in the format BibTeX, for automatically preparing bibliographies for LaTeX users, the data also shows abstracts arykułów.
Support tools to reach high-quality materials are created by the giants in the field of search, such as Google Scholar, Google Book Search , MSN Live Search Academic , Yahoo Search Subscriptions . Libraries resources can penetrate the on-line with the position of the central directory of national, European national libraries through The European Library, and on a global scale can still look like expanding WorldCat.
to valuable web sites direct resources increasingly popular, and now in Poland, a special thematic goals ( Subject Gateways). They are a useful example and proof of marriage of modern Internet technology with the knowledge and experience built up by the library and information science for many decades. They use to organize information for a typical electronic and traditional library classifications, such as the Dewey Decimal System. At the same time their main feature is that the focus is on those most valuable (and often hidden yet at the same time) the resources associated with a given object is also created by experts in the industry. This they attribute is expressed in terms frequently used in relation to these goals, określnikach high quality or quality-controlled . Valuable also is the fact that many of these services carries the idea of \u200b\u200ballowing any interested person to 2.0 enlarging their resources (but always to preserve the quality of added records are checked and, if necessary, be supplemented). See for example U.S. , English or Polish . L. Derfert-Wolf in his articles gives examples of some hundreds of such services and projects.
phenomenon of Web 2.0 will greatly contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about the resources previously not visible. Internet is no longer a hidden fact, if the fingers of his resources indicate the community millions of users.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Do Pealr Thongs Work?
recent opening of The European Library can seem like an attempt to show the American commercial companies such as Google and Microsoft, that Europe can and also joining forces 47 national libraries is able to preserve and present a great online community of the cultural heritage of European countries. Whether the collection will be developed to be as resilient as the Google Book Search project we will see in the near future, but now may be fair to say that the smooth functioning will not be its strengths and finances allocated by the libraries participating in a project its operations will not be able to compare with those to whom the giant internet access. Despite numerous controversies related to the projects Google and Microsoft may be noted that interest in books by these companies began to change the mentality of the circles associated with the book, both amateur and professional. Despite this, it seems striking view of a substantial part of the contributors about reading e-books. Both professionals, which undoubtedly include Grazyna Straus, Catherine and Sebastian Wolff faithful and casual Internet users believe that the percentage of those who read books from monitor must be small. Evidence of this though is that researchers from the National Library until 2006 joined to their surveys, questions about downloading files from the network of books, study by and speeches on various internet forums. Similar conclusions were reached by Andrzej Gasiorowski, who noted that quite easily come into possession of an electronic version of the track, but using it is quite difficult, because it should then re-converted to the printed version, which is highly profitable. Also popular Polish writers tend to be unfavorably disposed to the books read the monitor screens. Despite the opinion of this kind, supported by many lovers of the printed book, the number of e-books is growing. According to Andrew and Aneta Zygadlo Wierzchowska in 2006, circulated on the Internet, "about 20 - 25 thousand books in electronic form in the Polish language in the world probably several hundred thousand items," and "per book sold in bookstores sometimes falls several hundred or several thousand copies and disseminated over the Internet. " Despite the lack of comprehensive studies in this direction, it seems that the estimates of the number of e-books are the network adopted by the cited authors are quite understated. Using the agency only Polish Internet Library, we can reach up to 29 243 publications, and adding the content available in other digital libraries, it appears that we have access to a much higher number of e-books. If, however, take into account only the book, distributed on the Web in violation of the rights of authors and publishers of their number could actually oscillate between 20 and 25 thousand. However, the view that the book sold for one falls a few hundred or a few thousand copies distributed in the network, seems exaggerated. for example (rather subjectively chosen) may take the "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince JK Rowling, which was sold in 2006 in Poland in the number of 544,000 copies. Taking into account the calculations cited authors (Zygadlo and Wierzchowska) just sold this number multiplied by 300, which will result 163 200 000 downloads of the e-book title.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Free Championship Belt Clipart
O television programs devoted to issues of books, scientific articles, all of a sudden three, a bit of publicity from newspapers and weeklies. The contents of a scientific objective, as it should be something describe deskrybują, the evidence they draw. Press about these programs nationwide in the light of present rather stereotyped. So what about the book to be on TV Anno Domini 2007?
Ano 2006/2007 late changes are worrisome. The review showed significant losses. Diagnosis in the card: the progressive specialization. The course of the disease, the recommended remedial measures, the outlook for further activities, negotiations. Word epicrisis hospital. Well, our translation.
Some time ago I gave in the "Library Analysis "[No. 184, 2006] review of programs about books objawianych in telewizorni. It turns out that in 2005 there were from 12-16, depending on how the count (all the channels available in the so-called station. Basic package). Beginning in 2006 the program has only 6 Since then, I meditated with plenty of new quality. I released the air through the diaphragm until the new year. And what I see? Season schedule, a little obskubana, requires rapid restoration treatments because it loses incrustation. Of the four manufacturing end of 2006, we have three, plus adding and for the first time to the total set including, a program is not available to all TV Culture, will come out of their fourth
Respirując more rapid anxiously count the exclamation them here, in order of alphabet Polish: "Reading", "Molik book," Television news literature "," Second Edition, Revised. "
Television programs need a viewer, such as a book reader, the only thing you can prescribe the progressive loss of it: switch the TV on designated hours. It seems that the programs will ubywać and / or are likely to be presented in special bands. An increasing number of thematic channels, personalize the offer, especially thanks to the Internet promotes the book as a good treatment for some. Creates a television for doctors, created a culture of television, finally formed on books and TV .
Friday, October 5, 2007
Collection Letter Dor Dental
Najsampierw let me refer the reader to a site devoted entirely infobrokeringowi ( ), in which the site will find not only useful but also a broader definition of articles and arguments about the whole idea of \u200b\u200binformation brokering. So I will not multiply considerations, but I will focus on presenting some observations, which has the work of one of my thoughts. VL
almost no sign of equality between infobroker, and informatics. Computer Science, after all write programs solve problems posed in front of him, used for this purpose the computer and modern information and communication technologies. Infobroker, in turn, looks for information that will solve the problem (eg, information necessary for the written program), presents these information in a manner accessible to forward a query that uses the computer and modern information and communication technologies.
It seems, therefore, that these games have much in common, though I would say that infobroker should have greater leeway and wield greater knowledge. Just remember science classes in public schools. They consist of roughly depends on learning the use of certain technologies. However, the longer side communication technologies is beyond the scope of such activities. Professionals lack the humanistic perspective, derived from science, after all, this is just a humanist infobroker would like to say, maybe more, or at least should be able to.
Paper Plate Award Ideas Basketball
book, as you know consists of a material and consistently in this material text, expressed the most graphic signs the letter, which it (the letter) is transmitting information. Aside from the fact that, in terms of McLuhan medium (eg book) is itself a message, I wanted to give a valid reason for paying a higher bet, in my opinion, should be the same transfer of information contained in the book, so the content of the material. I realize that for many people is the subject of art books, and that more importance they ascribe to it material form, thus depriving the status of the book, however, such as a computer file.
Well, pay attention to the issue biblioterapii. What is it I will explain briefly. Well, diagnosed a problem the reader should get him a book such a position (or plural), which give him to reduce this problem. Of course it will not happen right away, with the rest of the effectiveness I will not speak, there would need someone with education and psychological bibliotekoznawczym. Roughly, however, the matter is such that the reception of the text, or more specifically the story, the story is designed to restore spiritual balance (more Wikipedia ).
What, therefore, am I going? To the fact that although we are talking about biblioterapii, as if this book was treated, so a matter of fact a de facto treat the text contained in that book. You might as well talk about internetoterapii whether weboterapi, netoterapii lost and then treat the reader a collection of blog entries, selfpublishingiem of Internet social networking. Is, for example, video services do not fulfill a similar function, we can find a movie for every occasion, laugh and diverting over.
Monday, April 30, 2007
How Many Cals In A Small Fried Rice Curry Sauce
Any form of communication is second to only the appropriate features and is geared to achieve the proper purposes only. With the development of new ways of communication, using newer equipment and technological developments created an entirely new varieties of old behaviors and communication. Any change involves another change. Recently a new, notable sphere of human activity, which does have specific and distinct ways of communicating and therefore the appropriate style of speech is the Internet.
Internet, a global network, electronic communication, so for example, IRC, instant messaging, SMS provides an opportunity to communicate information, however, information transmitted via the network have specific characteristics and are constructed in a specific style - netspeaku. Netspeak has been accurately described by Monika Górska-Olesińską , there is no need to build a detailed analysis, but I want to draw only one main thing for me netspeaku.
Just as before the creation of writing, printing, photography, radio or television resulted in the formation of various types of speech, such as species of journalism, so today the emergence of new computer technologies and the development of the Internet gives rise to new species of expression, such as blogs.
Style, Internet Internet variant of the Polish language, the language of the Internet, the language of the Internet, netlish, weblish, netlingo, wired styles cyberspeak, e-language, e-talk, e-disc like to call this phenomenon is primarily geared to the objective What is rapid and effective communication. Hence, so many "errors", errors, lack of punctuation and spelling, abbreviations, acronyms, stirring speech to the letter, skryptualizowanie speech, language mixing, etc. In the same way can be explained why more and more websites are built in Esperanto. Well, after all, Esperanto is system that can be mastered in a relatively short period of time, and thereby gain the ability to communicate and exchange information with people around the world, because as we know there is no corner of the globe where there is a group practicing funkcjonowałaby Esperanto.
Remember finally that one of the synonyms virtual token is Practical . Connotation of practicality is easy to explain. After all, this virtual reality is in fact a practical reality meets a whole range of utilitarian and pragmatic tasks. gives, for example, the exact characteristics of the virtual elements the same as those elements are actually existing in reality . Virtual reality has been created if only for practical purposes.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Does A Dazzle Need Software?
reading texts in their electronic form is not the most pleasant form of contact with the work of the reader, but it is this form of information is perfect for the processes of information-retrieval systems. It is not surprising that the activities of Bibliographic moves to the Internet. Perhaps soon the majority of contacts such as on line user - the bibliography will be carried over the network, while probably blurred the boundaries will allow a clear distinction between these types of sources as a catalog, bibliography, index, or even the library collection. They will be integrated within the framework created hipermedialnego time, a universal source of information. If your idea of \u200b\u200bcrowding out traditional documents through an electronic has a chance of success, it will probably reach a specific category, which is developing the information. Contrary to appearances, this is not a pessimistic vision.
From the information point of view, it seems that the most important feature of hypertext, which allows you to mix and match objects information. This gives the current interpretations of even breakthrough opportunities. Here are the records of library catalogs, but also such information on the Internet bookselling located in a very simple way, often by a "clicking" allow the user to order the book, indicates in the library, or repository, and where it is located closest to the position (even if we were in "remote" corner of the world), shows online bookstores where you can purchase the full text of document supply if it is available to the public in electronic form, indeed allows to read its contents, abstract or excerpt. Studies are mostly devoid of bibliographic existing restrictions: the territorial, linguistic, chronological, or of the type described materials. Records in the bibliography using the invention of hypertext and the Web are no longer static. Meet not only the function of indicating, Signal, but they are alive, they will be given new power is impressive from the eyes of a specific user, the target sought by the information already available in a click computer mouse. They can also move the user directly to the document containing the wanted content to specific phrases, or lessons per entity. Cataloguing a wealth of new features. It was not only descriptive but also the role of animation, it becomes an interactive tool for responding to user activity.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bright Red Palms And Soles
Since Wikipedia has become an alternative to any traditional encyclopedias (print), henceforth always looking for a hook on it to show various errors, lapsusy and all the dark sides of this social networking project. Criticism is carried out either by demonstrating that the Free Encyclopedia passwords are full of defects, such as information about the alleged death of the poet and completely this encyclopedia can not be compared with the traditional, what we know is not true. I recall the article Justyna Hofmokl and Alka Tarkovsky, who summoned a number of arguments for showing, inter alia, that the number of errors in traditional encyclopedias is comparable with those detected in the Wikipedia.
Secondly trying to wyłapywanymi, famous lapsusami undermine the quality of passwords Wikipedia. I mean well-known example of Polish - namely, the password Henryk Batuta . Which proves that you can not necessarily intentionally or unintentionally write some shit on any of the passwords, but can we concoct a password and all such pre-conceived then put on Wikipedia. Thirdly
also trying to be more intelligent to point out that all the sites based on the model of Web 2.0 are doomed to disaster because they create too much collectivized systems or become too individualized a cluster of points view. I especially recommend the article at this point Filiciak Miroslaw, who presented the views, calling for those aspects: Zizek and the Lanier article or Peter G. Zielinski that shows how committed the error, however, Zizek comparing the content creator of the content recipient.
Another possibility is that criticizing yet this encyclopedia by statistical calculations. Nearly 70% of the entries in the English version of Wikipedia edits about 2% of users. Hmm, 2% in this case is about 40 thousand editors, for example when printed encyclopedias are classic boasts several thousand editors. I can not imagine that the number of people involved in the formation of encyclopaedia in these cases were in any way similar. Himself to admit that all of a sudden edited the three, if I remember correctly, the password in Wikipedia and I'm her big supporter. Just at the point where I thought it right I added a password. And this is the so-called. the wisdom of the crowd. Just that every Pole you just added a password, and we have 40 million-encyclopedia. You can not? Sure can, just need to educate people.
This, of course, problems do not stop here came to revealed that a large number of the editors of Wikipedia entries is not who he gave, namely that not a scientist with the titles of scientific .
In fact, I wonder what is the difference whether the person who authored, developed and modified twenty thousand password is something other than that declared. If errors are not reproached him, since he did a good job you should be glad that he found someone who could show great initiative and determination. This is further proof that everyone can współredagować this huge knowledge base. This is the clou whole project all sites coined in the formula 2.0.
Despite attempts to undermine the role of Wikipedia, and a generic criticism (in the style: "Wikipedia is grossly uneven" from year to year comes passwords and number of visits is increasing . As the number of passwords, which comes about five each day in Polish language version and thousands of eyes to constantly monitor the various articles were correct password schemes stylistically and materially and to correlate the relationship or to be placed in appropriate categories.
all those who recognize the shortcomings in the Encyclopedia Wiki also proposes to sit in front of the monitor and put some intellectual effort to edit and correct errors. Contestation is very fashionable in Poland. Complain about anything and everything rather than roll up their sleeves and get down to work.
Maybe all these attempts to undermine the quality of passwords Wikipedy, some linked to the export as it is;), are the only form of struggle to leave everything unchanged, to leave zastanego right, fight for the status quo. Everywhere in the encountering resistance and resentment, and the road changes often leads to a situation we all well know from history, and he is one of the librarians adapted to the present attempts to make any changes to the activities of libraries.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Installing Handlebar Sportster
Start digitizing print collections of the year 1971, when Michael Hart has introduced manually into the computer's Declaration of Independence of the United States. Initiative taken by him led to a burgeoning group of volunteers and turned in perhaps the biggest non-commercial site with books in a digital world. While the first library digital world was not financed nor mentioned above by the federal nor any state budget of Project Gutenberg, both on Polish soil as the first appeared in 1997's Network. This co-created by volunteers of the initiative ahead by more than five years opened with great fanfare Polish Internet Library, which unfortunately due to many different perturbations is not developing as it would expect that the environment of librarians.
Today, digital libraries developing in spontaneously. Although the number of libraries that have joined the move the contents of books threatened by the passage of time or other adverse factors increases, it is still too small and in the eastern part of the Polish do not exist at all. While digitizing evoked response in the form of numerous publications, however, until the book Margaret Doe has not been described in a comprehensive manner.
"The ultimate objective of development - according to the author - is characteristic of digitization strategies adopted by individual libraries, the overall evaluation of the achievements of libraries in this area and attempt to show this type of business prospects for the future." Issues raised in the book is important especially in view of ongoing development aimed toward the Polish economy based on knowledge. Without the resources offered by digital libraries have not been able to protect a substantial part of national heritage, which consists of virtually unknown works of authors whose works have been issued once. Malgorzata Kowalska divided the book into two parts. The first, entitled "Application of digital technology in the protection of the heritage of the documentary is devoted to the digitization of the manifold aspects ranging from technical through organizational, ending the law. "Digitizing their collections in Polish libraries" is the title of Part Two, devoted to the practical effects of that action.
Even though the author's words contained in the preface to the fact that this book does not fulfill the function of the guide, it should be stressed that it should become necessary to release the reference library of every person in charge of the work dygitalizacyjnymi in the library. Without a doubt he deserves it because of the wide issues undertaken in the development of bringing together in one place, topics addressed in many articles scattered over many journals and publishing agreements. However, remained an area overlooked by the author. Although the book's title clearly indicates that the issue is summed up on issues related to the digitization of library collections undertaken, but it seems that it lacks even a subsection devoted to initiatives undertaken at the intersection of law, which are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to the European Digital Library and the awakening of controversy, Google, the author actually did not describe any of the project also sets dygitalizującego protected by copyright. And you may find that because of digitization run by commercial companies, the role of the library as a center for collecting the literature will be threatened, and to read the book, not purchased in person, today's library users will be forced in the near future, use one of web services operating on the borderline of the law.
entire review is in the "Librarian's Guide," No. 9 / 2007 p. 24 - 26
Thank you for the gift of Mrs. Margaret in book form.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Cook Brownies In Cookie Cutters
Despite the large cost of digitization of the audio collections, including the audio books, despite the problems with access to hardware and software, it seems necessary to rescue the first sound recordings even in order to save the Polish cultural heritage. Although work on the digitization of printed resources are going pretty well - evidenced by the efficient cooperation of regional digital libraries - but its completion is still a long way to go. Much worse is the digitalization of library music collections. So far, only saved recordings stored on rolls record. Therefore, several questions arise: What
with several thousands of records, which arose before World War II in the Polish record labels?
What about the thousands of audio books to blind and visually impaired can still borrow at libraries that provide this type of collection (the first such publication founded in the early sixties)? Although
Polish Radio Archives is working on the digitalization of sound of its own resources, but because of the very large number of professionals in this task, the process will be lengthy. In addition, Polish Radio will not be able zdygitalizować Polish audio resources in a holistic manner. Is impeded because of their considerable fragmentation and probably also the total destruction of some of them. As long as everyone interested in the Polish Radio zdygitalizowanymi collections must go to him personally, and yet the world goes out of their collections to the Internet users in the network can also be found in American drama presented the radio in the fifties and recorded music and movie longer belong in the public domain. Poland compared to wzmiankowanymi above the state and private initiatives falls very pale. Only the so-called. Internet pirates still share their collections, including audio books.
After analyzing the audio book titles that circulate in the circulation of illegal kind, quite important is the ascertainment that some of them (111 titles) is already in the public domain and as such, they can quite quickly disappear from this circuit. The fact that the publisher decided to hire a teacher and re-enter the title on the market, should not be a problem in its free circulation, if found, a group of volunteers who are willing to follow the example of the setting up of enthusiasts LibriVox.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Man Wear Panties
are accustomed to use the document. At work, at home, in college, the library says, kserujemy, write off, rent documents. The library collects, develops, publishes a bibliography describes the documents. This document provides a description of the basic unit and interests, information retrieval processes. However, wherewith he is? It turns out that a traditional paper very strongly involved with the matter, his carrier. We are accustomed to see him through his physicality. However, this involves the loss of significant amounts of information. For society information is important because the book itself is not understood as a form, no magazine, no cassette or floppy disc but their contents ( content), information stored on them, for example, even a single song from the CD (for example, that a work and not the whole album or an album, an object of desire, it may be the popularity of online shops selling separate pieces for mobile phones, MP3 players, iPods, etc.). This is also with the development of information technology began to manifest itself in completely new ways. Knowledge is perpetuated today in an e-mail, sheets spreadsheets, charts, forms, presentations, may be a virtual pogawędkach. On the horizon of interests within modern bibliographies are already living or inanimate objects, static and moving, even non-existent places, including locations of extraterrestrial and even abstract concepts, service or event!
of descriptions for these phenomena are introducing new concepts such as information object, digital object, the entity, or even an object leksja dokumentopodobny, much better reflecting independence from physical media. Tools to tame these phenomena is a modern modele opisu jak np.: Dublin Core (DC) czy Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), co ciekawe, czytelne zarówno maszynowo jak i dla człowieka. Nadchodzi epoka, w której przyjdzie nam zmienić sposób postrzegania źródła. Forma stanie się bardziej przejrzysta, mniej istotna, dostrzeżemy poprzez nią i uwolnimy wartość najważniejszą – WIEDZĘ.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Why Are Eyes Different Sizes
Gdy nieoczekiwanie bądź co bądź wyrósł na naszych oczach termin web 2.0 wielu uznało go li tylko za modne słowo kluczowe, którym opisuje się wszystko, co nowe w internecie. Nie będę at that moment absorbed in the importance of this period or will not be considered because of its connotation has been done countless numbers of forums, websites and articles, publications.
but I want to draw attention to something else. Namely, when the coined the term began to be 2.0 at the same time seek further signs of lesions located farther to the axis, this time at the point of 3.0.
the first time that numerical solution of word and hear the Web 3.0 conference in Palace of Culture in December 2006 . At that time, Professor Henry Jenkins was suggested that perhaps the sphere of manifestation human activities in Second Life is precisely why the time touching the patch 3.0.
not have to wait long for, behold, a new product on the market game heralds the imminent supply of the console players was serving exploring the possibility of the virtual world of Web 3.0.
not judge me if it good or bad, whether the name matches or not. What makes me wonder whether the matter referred to above on Second Life, and other similar ventures, with sometimes do not gain the opportunity to be immortal. You only need software that will sustain our avatar, and it addressed in accordance with our previous predisposition and some servers, the company that zwietrzy interest in offering such services. If, however, like in RPG games, our avatar will gain more and more new skills (eg, learn foreign languages, gain information, expand their knowledge and, consequently, produce a new message) to or after a certain time to be born this for years and finally sought artificial intelligence?
Or maybe just as was the case with Web 2.0 will be a next evolutionary step, which will be noticed only when naming him, even though the last few years will be in operation. In any event, we have heightened senses of the word novelty, which is to come. When? Nobody knows!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Can You Get Kobe Beef In Calgary?
Long ago a man called Mike Sandbothe wrote a document in which he laid out several characteristics of communication on the Internet. In addition to a featured post in the title were: piktorializacja skryptualizacja letter and image. Since the Polish space in the text of that quote I came across Jeno once, so let's opus recall the following reminders for the sake of the most important thing in my online communication, with which he was posted mentioned above.
One of the main features of the variety Polish language website, if you ask this at all allowed to speak, is skryptualizacja speech. On one hand, this might appear as a threat to the Polish language at all, and secondly as a property that gives new and unlimited possibilities for research.
skryptualizacja term carries in its meaning, beyond the implication that the traditional spoken text on the Internet becomes a written text, important considerations in terms of linguistic content. Namely, so far from the language specialists were mainly texts hence, few works on the oral tests of language, due to difficulties arising from oral sex registration certificates are often inclined to ignore those are in the course of inference and concentrate only on those events more tangible language.
Skryptualizacja speech means that the web visitors the message was originally spoken, and now thanks to the many messengers to the newly introduced into the Polish system. Linguists get at this moment ready to test the material, written material, but presenting an oral variety of natural language.
I therefore that this new phenomenon should be hastened to describe and study, because it is interesting how this will affect the code spoken to written and spoken to return to?
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Upanayanam Invitation Template
interesting text Zizka quite sharply criticizes the virtual world with all its apparent advantages. An important prize awarded annually Man of the Year by Time magazine received by Zizek (quote) each, who uses the Internet or create content as that . The difference between the recipient and the creator is quite obvious. Although the scale of comparison, which for the moment I will use is exaggerated, but it may help to realize what a mistake committed philosopher. To date, give the title Man of the Year in 2006, the community, usually the Time Magazine chose to outstanding individuals. Despite the fact that several were awarded as an abstract example, an American soldier, the Hungarian Uprising, a personal computer or the community - the American middle class and the descendants of the population boom, but these were isolated incidents. Most of the winners were characterized by activity (except a personal computer). In this case, the editors of Time Magazine, and acted like nagrodziła społeczność tworzącą zawartość internetu, a właściwie Web 2.0, a nie biernych odbiorców!
Jeśli Zizkowi wydaje się – pozwolę sobie tutaj zacytować - że każdy, kto patrzy na okładkę "Time'a", nie widzi innych, z którymi jakoby bezpośrednio się komunikuje, lecz lustrzane odbicie samego siebie. Czy wadą jest ujrzenie własnego odbicia w sieci? Czy możność wypowiedzenia się w medium docierającym do milionów ludzi jest mało znaczące i internauta otaczając się podobnymi do niego i spędzając coraz więcej czasu w sieci przestaje dostrzegać real world? A philosopher can imagine such a surfer as an avatar functioning in an alternate world of Second Life, where a locksmith can be a journalist, a hairdresser pop star? And even if so, whether those avatars can not speak freely?
It seems to me that Zizek is wrong. The argument for this could be the opportunity to influence the virtual world to reality even Polish media (see the blog affair Eliza Michalik: a , 2 and 3) whether the rumors posted on a blog, which led to the spread of news of a president, assistant and a fine cigar (a version presented in December in Warsaw, Alexander Bard).
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Can I Ask For A Handjob With My Brazillian Wax
Thursday, February 22, 2007
What To Say When Applying For Dental Nurse

In the first post of this blog would like to introduce our latest work - namely subject gateway to information science.
Given the need to create web sites that porządkowały zbierałyby and resource data related to information and media, and in conjunction with increasingly popular Internet community projects, culture, web 2.0, we have created dedicated to these issues, the Polish subject gateway.
CINEMA Online Catalog Information Sciences is an independent project, the idea is to collect the addresses for sites related to the committee, or by filling out the functions of librarianship, information science or information science. Records in the catalog are currently ranked within the category of first-degree 000 Works of content in general, the Dewey Decimal Classification . Contributing KINII opportunity to anyone interested in issues of science for information. Every active Internet user can add addresses to the directory and use the results of work - we hope - a big group of stakeholders. The whole process of adding links and their descriptions is very simple and has been further described in the Help section on page catalog. Further applications: copy, reproduce in the directory record is totally allowed.
Take this road all the librarians and information professionals and specialists in the science of information to add links to important web resources related to the overall information.