Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bright Red Palms And Soles

How criticized Wikipedia? Malgorzata Kowalska

Since Wikipedia has become an alternative to any traditional encyclopedias (print), henceforth always looking for a hook on it to show various errors, lapsusy and all the dark sides of this social networking project. Criticism is carried out either by demonstrating that the Free Encyclopedia passwords are full of defects, such as information about the alleged death of the poet and completely this encyclopedia can not be compared with the traditional, what we know is not true. I recall the article Justyna Hofmokl and Alka Tarkovsky, who summoned a number of arguments for showing, inter alia, that the number of errors in traditional encyclopedias is comparable with those detected in the Wikipedia.

Secondly trying to wyłapywanymi, famous lapsusami undermine the quality of passwords Wikipedia. I mean well-known example of Polish - namely, the password Henryk Batuta . Which proves that you can not necessarily intentionally or unintentionally write some shit on any of the passwords, but can we concoct a password and all such pre-conceived then put on Wikipedia. Thirdly

also trying to be more intelligent to point out that all the sites based on the model of Web 2.0 are doomed to disaster because they create too much collectivized systems or become too individualized a cluster of points view. I especially recommend the article at this point Filiciak Miroslaw, who presented the views, calling for those aspects: Zizek and the Lanier article or Peter G. Zielinski that shows how committed the error, however, Zizek comparing the content creator of the content recipient.

Another possibility is that criticizing yet this encyclopedia by statistical calculations. Nearly 70% of the entries in the English version of Wikipedia edits about 2% of users. Hmm, 2% in this case is about 40 thousand editors, for example when printed encyclopedias are classic boasts several thousand editors. I can not imagine that the number of people involved in the formation of encyclopaedia in these cases were in any way similar. Himself to admit that all of a sudden edited the three, if I remember correctly, the password in Wikipedia and I'm her big supporter. Just at the point where I thought it right I added a password. And this is the so-called. the wisdom of the crowd. Just that every Pole you just added a password, and we have 40 million-encyclopedia. You can not? Sure can, just need to educate people.

This, of course, problems do not stop here came to revealed that a large number of the editors of Wikipedia entries is not who he gave, namely that not a scientist with the titles of scientific .

In fact, I wonder what is the difference whether the person who authored, developed and modified twenty thousand password is something other than that declared. If errors are not reproached him, since he did a good job you should be glad that he found someone who could show great initiative and determination. This is further proof that everyone can współredagować this huge knowledge base. This is the clou whole project all sites coined in the formula 2.0.

Despite attempts to undermine the role of Wikipedia, and a generic criticism (in the style: "Wikipedia is grossly uneven" from year to year comes passwords and number of visits is increasing . As the number of passwords, which comes about five each day in Polish language version and thousands of eyes to constantly monitor the various articles were correct password schemes stylistically and materially and to correlate the relationship or to be placed in appropriate categories.

all those who recognize the shortcomings in the Encyclopedia Wiki also proposes to sit in front of the monitor and put some intellectual effort to edit and correct errors. Contestation is very fashionable in Poland. Complain about anything and everything rather than roll up their sleeves and get down to work.

Maybe all these attempts to undermine the quality of passwords Wikipedy, some linked to the export as it is;), are the only form of struggle to leave everything unchanged, to leave zastanego right, fight for the status quo. Everywhere in the encountering resistance and resentment, and the road changes often leads to a situation we all well know from history, and he is one of the librarians adapted to the present attempts to make any changes to the activities of libraries.


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