Sunday, March 30, 2008

Online Application, Ok To Call Back?

Is the change alters the semantic descriptor?

For some time now instead of library (school) said the school information center, instead of the library (public) use the term Infothek, instead of a librarian more often, the term infobroker, and even what has come to "Library Journal, 1/15/2007 No proposals that emerged in relation to the use of such librarians, for example, the concepts of hacker knowledge, information alchemist, bibliodominatrix, indagatrix.

I do not intend here, in the short form of the entry of blogging, discuss questions asked in the title and write much of their inquiry, because the thing seems clear. Only emphasize that no one had any doubt: the change of name (descriptor) in itself does not change the semantics here is understood as attributing specific object of reality (determined on the date of the librarian) new properties. Certainly the concept expressed in the sign language, indeed, these changes occur, each term means something else, is a collection of different features (the only relevant).

mind, however, about the importance of the concept, suggested by Wittgenstein (Wittgenstein, L. Philosophical Inquiries. New York: Univ. OWN, 2000, p. 34), boiling down to a claim that the meaning of the word is the way you use it in the language of then I wrote a little article for journal EBIB , we shall see it's just a matter of fact from library users, the readers depends largely on semantic change. The question is thus as follows: whether the library user actually coming to the library sees people working there in some new categories? Have you thought of them as wypożyczających book, or think of them as professionals from the information? For new appointments do not become the only label sticker to the well-established for years in activities (eg rent reading) a lot of work to be done professionally active librarians.


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