governments and ruling classes are not based on actual or justice, or even the pretense of righteousness, but the organization so cleverly developed by scientific progress, that people are caught in a cycle of violence from which there is no escape. The circle consists of four ways to influence the human - the combined methods and supporting each other as links in the chain forming a circle.
first and oldest way is terrorism. It consists in presenting the existing system of government (be it a free republic, or the most outrageous tyranny) as something sacred and immutable, and the barbaric punishment of any attempt to change the established order. Use this method always there, where is the government - in Russia against the so-called. nihilistom, against anarchists in America, in France against the monarchists, communists and anarchists. Railways, telegraph, telephone, photography - all those things are excellent methods to get rid of the man without killing, by locking someone in his life in solitary confinement, where he will be forgotten and die hidden from the eyes of humanity. These and other inventions more often used by the state than by individuals, give the government such power that - when the only time it will take over some units, and the overt and secret police officers of all kind, prosecutors, jailers and executioners will work with sufficient enthusiasm - there is no way to overthrow the government, whatever its barbarzyńskość and meaninglessness.
second way is to bribery. It involves the receiving of the working class of property through taxation, then the separation of ownership among the dignitaries who, in exchange for money, maintain and deepen human slavery.
you bribed officials from the Prime Minister to the smallest scribe, create unbreakable chain of individuals, united common goal of feeding the working people. Rewards them in proportion to their submission to the will of the government, therefore, in all forms of word and deed remain steadfast and defend by all means state violence, which is based on their wealth. third way is a phenomenon that can only be called "mesmerism." Is the inhibition of human and spiritual development of all methods of maintaining their influence and suggestions in the concept of life from which humanity has long since grown up, but that is the foundation of state power. Today, hypnotism This is done in a perfect way: his influence begins in early childhood and lasts until death. It begins in earliest youth, in the compulsory schools, created especially for the purpose of hypnotism, where he teaches the children the concept of the world, which, although it was held by their ancestors, now directly opposed to the present consciousness of humanity. For countries with a state religion teaches the children of the church catechism absurd blasphemies, and instills in them the need to obey authority. In the countries of the Republican learns their outrageous superstition patriotism and the same imaginary duty of obedience to the state. In later years, this hypnotic effect is maintained by the action of religious and patriotic superstitions. Religious superstition is stimulated processions, celebrations, statues and churches, built with money taken from people through music, architecture, paintings, and incense, which narkotyzują people. The most important is the role of the clergy, whose occupation is stunning the minds of people and keeping them in a continuous state of stupefaction, which is supported by the theatricality, the pathos of sermons, meddling to the personal life - life, marriage and death.
Patriotic superstition is stimulated by the national ceremonies, celebrations, memorials and parades organized by the government and the ruling classes, the money taken from people. These things push a man to believe in the exclusive validity of their own country and in the power of their own government and rulers, and raise its hostile feelings and even hatred towards other nations. In addition, the despotic rule strictly prohibit lectures, say, print and distribute books, which could enlighten the people, and send down to the exile or close to all those who are trying to awaken people from their stupor. All governments, without exception, people hide from anything that might aggravate their independence, and encourage them to anything that degrades and demoralizes them. Hence, the statement continued human illusions as to their religious and patriotic superstition, all kinds of zadawalania senses, shows, circuses, theaters, and even the physical means stultifying as tobacco and alcohol, of which the tax is one of the largest cash receipts to the government. Encouraged even to prostitution. Not only is it recognized, but in many countries the government legalize it. This is the third way.
fourth way is to select by using the previously mentioned methods of a number of people enslaved and ogłupionych mass of human beings and forcing them to undergo a particularly intense process fool and depravity, turning them into passive tools required by the atrocities. This state of brutality and zidiocenia is achieved by selecting people in their early youth, when I have not yet formed any conception of morality, separating them from their natural conditions human life - home, family, place of birth and occupation - and then close them together in the barracks. Here, dressed in their costumes and bizarre forces to perform certain movements, accompanied by shouts, hitting drums, music and shiny ornaments. All these things bring people in a hypnotic state in which people cease to be and become obedient tools in the hands of mindless hipnotyzerów. These young people, physically strong, armed and reduced to the mindless state of hypnotism, always obedient to the authority of the state and are ready to commit any act of violence, what is expected of them, make up a quarter of a method of enslavement of people. This method closes the circle of violence.
terrorism, bribery and hypnotism to degrade the human condition, in which they want to be a soldier. The Army provides power, allows for punishing and hypnotising people, robbing them (and robbed of money to bribe officials), borrowing the other's army, thereby increasing even more the power of government.
circle is closed and can not get away from it through violence.
Some argue that liberation, or at least reduce violence becomes possible if the oppressed masses compressing force their governments to destroy and replace them with new organizations that will not require violence or enslavement of man. Some people try to lead to a revolution, but in this way only deceive themselves and others, and instead of improve, worsen the living conditions of mankind. Their action only increases the despotism of the state. Their efforts toward independence gives the government a convenient excuse to consolidate his power and actually worsen the situation. Even if by some exceptional conditions unfavorable to the State - As in France in 1870 - would be able to overthrow some governments by force and power would pass into other hands, this new authority, in no case be less oppressive than the previous one. On the contrary, will have to defend itself against a despairing, defeated enemies, and therefore will have to be ever more despotic and cruel than the previous one. This is evidenced by the history of all revolutions.Socialists and Communists condemn the individualistic and capitalist system of society, condemning all governments, anarchists, monarchists, conservatives and capitalists condemn anarchism, communism and socialism - no party in this conflict does not represent the way people together nieopartego on violence. Any party would not have victory, will have to use all existing means of violence to maintain power and make their own way of life, and may have to invent new methods of violence. Other people would have been oppressed, but violence and hatred would remain the same or even worse, because the mutual hatred and conflict rozpalałby invented by a new method of enslavement.
always been so in the case of all revolutionary, based on cases of violence to overthrow the government. Any violence merely increases the power of oppression in the hands of those who are temporarily in power.
importance of military service
educated people from upper classes are trying to suppress a growing awareness of the need to change the current system of life. In this way, increasing conflict and suffering of human existence, leading to the final frontier of man, which can not be exceeded. Contradiction held to the farthest limits of the military service.
Generally people believe that universal military service and continue to increase the reinforcement, together with the ensuing taxes and increasing the national debt are a marginal phenomenon caused by the current political situation in Europe. According to popular belief, you can break free from that through appropriate policy measures without internal restructuring of life.
This is completely wrong. Military service is the biggest contradiction in the concept of social life. This contradiction came in boundaries and become frightfully obvious consequence of a certain degree of material conception of life is to transfer the meaning of life from the individual to the community - family, tribe, race, country. The social conception of life implies that the meaning of life lies in the community of human beings, in which the individual voluntarily submits his personal interest the interests of the community. And so it was, and is in the case of certain communities, in family, tribe, and even in the race and patriarchal country. Because of the tradition transmitted by the education and proven religious authority, the unit utożsamiły their interests with those of the community and without coercion subordinated personal benefit of the universal benefits.
However, the more complex became the community, the more people are placed in society by conquest and violence, the more units began to try to achieve their own goals at the expense of the community and thus became an increasing need for recourse to authority - that is, violence - to suppress the rebellious elements.
public defenders wrong conception of life, the idea of \u200b\u200bauthority, or violence, with the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual influence. Such a combination is completely absurd.spiritual influence means a change in the human desires to voluntarily do what is necessary. The man who is subjected to spiritual influence, act in accordance with their own desires. Authority on the other hand, in the sense that is commonly used means to compel a man to act against their wishes. The man who obeyed the authority of not doing what it wants, but is forced to act. To force someone to act against his will, you should use physical violence or the threat such violence - imprisonment, beatings, torture, threats. Therein lies the power - now and forever.
Despite strenuous efforts of the people in power, aiming to hide that fact and give new meaning to the authority, the authority will always mean a rope and chain pętający man, bat, which he whips, knives and an ax to cut off his head, hands, feet, nose and ears, and the threat of these penalties. That was the time of Nero and Czingis Khan, so it is now, even under the rule the most liberal governments, the French and the American Republic. Man succumbs to the authority just because it is afraid of punishment awaiting him for disobedience. All requirements of the state - paying taxes, compliance with public duties, to be subject to punishment, banishment, fines - things that are seemingly made of their own volition, so you really rely on physical violence or its threat.
authority is based on physical violence. The use of physical violence is possible thanks to the organization of armed men, who unquestioningly subordinate a single will. Such a collection of armed men, the obedient one will make up the army. The Army has always been and is the foundation of power. The power is always in the hands of those who argue the army. Therefore, all the rulers, the emperors of the Roman Empire, the German and Russian emperors, are engrossed in the maintenance of the army, which was flattering and przymilają up, knowing that while the army is with them, so long the power remains in their hands.
organization and increasing the number of troops necessary to maintain power, no influence on the disintegration of the social conception of life. The purpose of and the justification relied on the authority, is the control over individuals who wish to achieve their own objectives, cost, and to the detriment of society. However, irrespective of whether the government was captured by troops, inherited or chosen, people in power, just like everyone else, they are not willing to sacrifice their interests to the community. On the contrary - more than others are willing to subordinate the public interest, their own interests. Why? Because they are in possession of the means by which they can do this. Any measures taken to stop people on the position of authority to subordinate the public interests of their own, or to transfer power only infallible beings - no not yet reached their goal.
All the usual methods, such as divine consent, election, hereditary succession, voting, congresses, parliaments and senates - all these methods prove inadequate. Everyone knows that none of these measures are not allowed to donate essentially infallible authority, or even did not stop her abuse. On the contrary - we all know that people in power - emperors, ministers, dignitaries, police officers - always a consequence of having power, are more prone to criminality, or to submit your own interest, than a person without authority. It can not be otherwise.
social conception of life was justified only as long as the person voluntarily subordinated its interest in the interest of the community. But soon came to those who refused voluntary acceptance of community interests as their own authority - Or violence - had become necessary to control them. In this way the concept of social life and organization based on it, slipped into the distribution element - the power, which means most of the violence against minorities.
power to the minority over the majority reached its goal, it is to stop individuals acting to the detriment of society, it is necessary that was infallible in the hands of people as they consider the Chinese, or whether it was thought in the Middle Ages, or how ever believe people who believe in the sanctity of consecration. Only under this condition can be explained by the social conception of life.
But it is not. On the contrary, people in positions of authority because of the possession of power, are always far from infallible and holiness. Therefore, a social organization based on authority can not have any excuse.
Perhaps there was a time when the low level of morality and the human propensity for violence, the existence of restraining the violence of authority was beneficial - in cases where state violence was smaller than the violence of the individual. Everyone, however, admit that korzystność of the state in opposition to his non-existence can not last forever. As human nature has become increasingly delicate and decreased the tendency of individuals to violence, authority became more and more depraved. This was the result of his freedom from restrictions. Therefore, a need for its existence has become proportionally smaller and smaller.
This gradual change in the relationship between the moral progress of the masses, and the corruption of government, made up the story of the last two thousand years. In the simplest form of running history looks like this: people lived in families, tribes, races, fighting, persecuting and murdering each other. To a greater or lesser degree of violence practiced universal man struggled with the man, family with family, the tribe with the tribe, race, race, nation with nation. Larger and more powerful communities swallow weaker. As communities became larger and more powerful, decreasing the sum of internal violence and of the existence of the community seemed to be getting safer. Among the members of the tribe and family, united in one community, labor disputes, to some extent been alleviated. The tribe and the family does not die as a unit, but it continues. Between citizens of the state subordinate to one authority, conflicts are mitigated to an even greater degree, and the existence of the state seems to be more reliable.
unification of people in an increasingly complex society was not the result of realizing the benefits of this result, but on the one hand the result of natural growth, on the other, conflict and conquest.
When the conquest is crowned with success, the authority of the winner puts an end to the internal tarciom. In this way is justified by the concept of social life. However, this excuse is only temporary. Internal conflicts are restrained in proportion to the increasing weight of authority imposed on individuals who were previously hostile to each other. Violent internal conflict, destroyed by the authority, coming back to life by the authority. The power is in the hands of people who, like everyone else, are always or at least very often willing to subordinate their personal well-being of all interests. The only difference is that the rulers are free from the restrictive effect resistance of the oppressed and the vulnerable are the demoralizing influence of authority. So also the evil of power, getting into the hands of authority, always increases, quickly becoming worse than the evil that has destroyed. At the same time gradually decreases a tendency toward violence, community members, and thus less power is needed violence.
state violence, even if it destroys the internal violence, always in proportion to their strength and endurance, introduces a new human life, the worse forms of violence. Although violence is the authority of the state less obvious than the reciprocal violence of individuals, for there is revealed through conflict, but by making, it does exist, and almost always to a greater extent than previously.
can not be otherwise. Firstly, because, because power corrupts, and secondly to the oppressors and unconscious instinct is to bring their victims to a state of extreme exhaustion - the weaker the oppressed, the less effort it takes to make it into something.
why violence against the oppressed is reduced to the farthest limits of what can be achieved without killing the hen that lays the golden eggs. When the hen cease to bear an egg, like the Indians, the inhabitants of Fiji, Negro, killed her, despite the protests of sincere philanthropists.
perfect example of this are the current conditions of the working class, which is nothing more than a defeated class people. Despite the efforts of dissimulationupper classes towards improving the living conditions of the workers, they are subject to niezmiennemu żelaznemu law, under which they must possess just enough to be able to work for their masters (ie the winners). Hunger forces them to perpetual toil.
always been so. Proportion to the increased strength and duration of authority, the benefits of its existence disappear and the negative to and always has been, in whatever form of government under which the living nation. The only difference is that in a despotic form of government power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of the oppressors, a manifestation of the violence is more tyrannical, and in the constitutional monarchies and republics, like France and America, the power is split between many of the oppressors, and the forms it manifestations are less severe - but the essence of violence, in which the disadvantages of the existence of authority are greater than the benefits and the process through which leads the oppressed to the limit always remain the same.
This has always been and is the situation of the oppressed, but so far not aware of it and naively believed that governments exist for their benefit, that have perished without a state, that the idea of \u200b\u200bpeople living without government is a blasphemous thought, which never describe in words, as would be tantamount to a terrible teachings of anarchism, which, for some unknown reason are combined in the human brain with every conceivable horrors.
As if it was something definitively proven and confirmed niepotrzebującym, people believe that because so far all nations have shaped the structure of the state, the state must always remain a necessary condition for human development.
And so it lasts for hundreds and thousands of years, and governments - that is, people in power - always try to keep the nations in this illusion. That was the time of the Roman Empire, so it is now. Although aware of the uselessness and harmfulness of the State even more developed in humans, such state of affairs can last forever, and the government will always increase the reinforcement to stay in power.
Generally people believe that armies exist to defend the country against attacks by other nations. They forget that governments need troops to defend themselves against their own enslaved and oppressed subjects.
why there is always the army was necessary. This need increases in proportion to education and deepening relationships between people of the same or different nationalities, and now, during the spread of the communist movement, socialists, anarchists, labor movement, the need for arms is even greater. Governments know this, which increases the strength and number of disciplined troops. (...)
If the working man has no land and has the most natural right of every human being - the right to acquire the means of subsistence for themselves and their families off the land - this does not happen, because it does not want to, but because some people - landlords - arrogated the right to receive ownership of the gift or the working class. This unnatural order things is maintained by the army. If the massive wealth accumulated by the effort of working people who do not belong to everyone, but only to certain individuals, if the privilege of collecting taxes and using them for anything you want, be granted to specific individuals, and if suppressed strikes of workers and supports coalitions of capitalists, and if unsure people have the power of inventing rights and forcing others to obey them, if they can according to his will to have the property and lives of human beings, and if some individuals are empowered to choose the secular and religious ways of raising children - all this does not follow the desires of people, that is not the result of any natural right, but it is because the governments and ruling classes wish this on their own interests and maintain a system of using physical violence and oppression. If someone is not aware of it, will understand everything when I only try to resist or change the existing order of things. Therefore, each government and the ruling classes need the army - to maintain a system that is not born of human needs, but on the contrary - it is often harmful to them and serves only the governments and classes rulers.
Army to any government is needed to keep subjects in obedience, and to appropriate the fruits of their labor. However, no country is the same; beyond its borders is another country, which also uses violence for robbing the subjects, and always ready to plunder the fruits of the labor of enslaved subjects of his neighbor. Therefore, every government needs an army not only internally but also to secure for themselves the privilege of looting treated against external robbers. As a consequence, all states are obliged to follow up each other in raising the arms. The development of the army becomes contagious - like a hundred and fifty years ago, said Montesquieu. Any increase in arms against its own subjects is also dangerous for a neighbor and is a stimulus for increasing armaments in other countries. Armies reached the current number of millions not only because of threats from neighboring states, but mainly as a result of the suppression of any evidence of need for rebellion by the oppressed serfs. The increase is the combined result of the Army for two reasons - troops needed are to defend against the internal enemy and to protect against foreign aggressors. One result of the second. Despotism government grows in proportion to their external success and increase the number and strength of the army, government aggressiveness increases with the growth of internal despotism.
Thus, European governments are trying to outdo the continuous strengthening of its military forces. Finally came to an inevitable need for universal military service, because it is the cheapest way to acquire the largest number of soldiers during the war. First, did the Germans, and when only a state has come, all the others had done the same. And as soon as this system was introduced, people were forced to take up arms to defend those who make their own rape. Citizens have become their own oppressors.
Universal military service was an inevitable, logical necessity, which had to be satisfied. However, it is also the last expression of the contradiction in the social conception of life, which appeared immediately when the violence began to be needed for its maintenance. In contradiction of the universal military service This became obvious. Everyone agrees that the importance of the social conception of life consists in the fact that a body, being aware of the horrors of combat between human beings and the transience of their own existence, carries the meaning of his life in the community of human beings. Meanwhile, the result of universal military service is that man, after the rejection of anything that would liberate him from the personal conflict and the transience of individual lives, once again is forced to undergo any dangers from which he had hoped to escape. That's not all: the state - this community in whose name the people sacrificed their personal interests - is exposed to the same destruction that threatened the unit yet. Governments have
redeem man from the cruelty of an individual disagreement and assure the inviolable regularity of the state. Instead of forcing people to the same conflict, with the only difference being that with combat units, it turns into a war with the inhabitants of other countries. Risk of damage to the individual and the state remains.
establishment of universal military service action is like a man who wants to renew rotten house. The walls are bursting - it strengthens the rafters, roof collapses - dobudowuje skeleton, knocked boards between the rafters-beam supports them. In the end, it appears that although the scaffolding maintain the building in a pile, it really is not suitable for habitation.
So it is with universal military service, which destroys all the benefits of social life, which supposedly provide.
benefits of social life depend on the security of property and labor, and universal cooperation to general welfare. Military service destroys it all.taxes collected from people on armaments and war absorb most of the fruits of the work that the army has to protect. Entrainment across the male population from the daily duties of life destroys the very possibility of work. The threat of war, lurking in every moment, makes the whole progress of social life goes down the drain.
When in ancient times man has heard that as long as not observe the authority of the state, he will be wicked men threatened aggression, internal and external enemies, and will have to personally fight, risking her life, and therefore in his interest to be subject to a niewygodom to be free from these disasters - when people heard about it, could ever believe it, because the concessions to the state were only minor victim and gave him hope for a peaceful life in the community indestructible. In these times when sacrifice is increased many times, and the promised benefits can not see every man naturally begins to think that submission to the State is completely useless.
manifestation of the inherent contradictions of social conception of life is not only a disastrous result of military service. The main manifestation of the inconsistency is the fact that every citizen is obliged to take military service, becoming a supporter of state organization and a partner in its activities, regardless of their criminality. Governments shall ensure that the army is needed for national defense, but it is a lie. First of all, it is necessary for harnessing internal and each person making the service military becomes a partner of government violence against its subjects.
To understand that every person who becomes a soldier, participates in all activities of government, actions which can not be supported, we must remember that everything is done by the government and met by the armed forces in the name of order and public good. All the dynastic and political differences, the executions as a result of the interference, the suppression of riots and recourse to armed action in accelerating the crowds and quell strikes inequitable distribution of land, collection of taxes and restrictions - all of which, if it is not directly executed by the army, then at least by the police, assisted by the army. Every person who is a soldier, becomes an accomplice of all these acts, in which legitimacy is often doubted and, in most cases they are totally opposed to his conscience. The peasants do not want to leave the land that grew over generations, the crowds do not want to split according to the desire of government, people do not want to pay taxes imposed on them; they do not want to obey the laws, in which the establishment did not participate and do not want to be deprived of his nationality, and I, who fulfill their military obligations, I have to persecute them. I ask myself whether those acts in which I participate, are good or bad, and whether they should help.
For governments, military service is the highest expression of violence needed to keep the whole system, the subject is the highest expression of compliance. It is the pillar stone wall maintenance, the removal would destroy the whole building.
time has come when more and more governments and their abuse of disputes require the subject to such material and moral sacrifice, that every man must ask himself: Can I make this sacrifice? Why should I submit it? Is required in the name of the state. In the name of my country to give up everything dear to man: family, safety, quiet life, respect yourself. What is the state that requires such a huge sacrifice? And why is it so necessary? We are told that the state is essential - first without it there would be no escape from violence and aggression wicked, second without him we would still savages, without religious, scientific, educational, economic, social institutions, and without any means of communication, the third state without a raise ryzykowalibyśmy by neighboring nations.
But where are the wicked, before the attacks and violence, our weapons state and its army? Maybe there were three hundred, four hundred years ago, when a man boasted talent war and the heroism he considered killing their neighbors, but at the present time there are no such people. No one even wears or does not use weapons, they all tend to These same principles of philanthropy and mutual sympathy, and we all want the same thing - the possibility of a peaceful life. There is no specific class of people against whom violence would have to protect our country. If the people from whom our weapons state, we think of criminals, then we are all aware that some criminals are not dziwadłami, like wild beasts among sheep, but there are people like us, with as little or no propensity to commit crimes as those against whom there are . We realize that the number of such people does not decrease the threat of and penalties, but only by the environment and the impact of moral development. Therefore, attempts to justify the need of the state for defense against criminals, even if they have any grounds for hundreds of years ago, now do not have any. Closer to the truth is that this part of the State, with its cruel methods of punishment, with its prisons, galleys, guillotines, gallows, more conducive to the callousness and brutality than tenderness and goodness, so I rather increases the number of criminals rather than decrease it.
"Without the State" - we are told - "We would not have the means of communication, or there would be scientific, religious, educational and other institutions. Without the state man would never be able to create the necessary social organization. " This argument had a raison d'être of a few hundred years ago.
If ever there was a time when communication and exchange of thoughts were so primitive, and the people were so isolated, they were not able to discuss or agree on the common issues - economic, educational, commercial, etc. - without the aid of state, this isolation is now no longer exists. With the widespread means of communication and intellectual exchange, the man is quite able to cope without a government, the organization of cities, congregations, councils, congresses, economic and political institutions. In most cases, the government hinders rather than helps in achieving these goals.
Since the end of the previous century, almost every movement of progressive humanity is held back by governments. That was the case with the abolition of slavery, torture and the death penalty and the establishment of freedom of expression and independence of the press. Nowadays, governments and the authority of the state are a direct obstacle to the action, in which a person is trying to create a better form of life. The solution of political and religious issues of the problem of land and labor, instead of being supported by state authority, is still inhibited.
"Without state and government, the nations have been defeated by the neighbors."
This argument contains within itself its own refutation.We are told that governments and their armies are needed to defend against foreign countries that may want us to conquer. However, all of this say about each other, and we know that all European countries share the These same principles of freedom and brotherhood, and therefore do not need to defend against them. If we are talking about defending against the barbarians, to just one-thousandth of the branches that we have now. As you can see, the facts contradict the statement about the need for an army to defend against an external enemy. State authority, instead of protecting us against the aggression of its neighbors, in fact, creates a danger of such aggression.
why every man who was drafted into the army and unsure as to the country in whose name we must sacrifice their peace, safety and life, must clearly see that at the present time there is no excuse for his victim.
Theoretically, everybody can see that the sacrifices required by the state does not have a reliable basis, but even from a practical standpoint, assessing the painful situation in which the state has put it, one sees that taking the military service in most cases is more for the harmful than a refusal to obey.
Whoever I was not, irrespective of the rich and the oppressor class, or working and oppressed - In both cases, the negative aspects of disobedience are smaller than the results of obedience and disobedience benefits are greater than those stemming from subordination to authority.
If I belong to the oppressing minorities, the negative results of disobedience to the State requirements will be: will I be judged as a man who refused to obey their government and in the best case is acquitted or forced to spend a period of my military service in some non-military organizations - as is done in Russia with menonitami - at worst, I will be condemned to exile or imprisonment for two to three years (I'm talking about the situation in Russia), and maybe even a longer period. I can even be sentenced to death, although it is not very likely. These are the bad side of disobedience. The bad side of obedience are as follows: at best, I will not be sent to kill people, nor did I find myself in a risky situation where I could die or be injured. I'll be just a cog in the military captivity. I'll be dressed in a clown outfit, will I ordered my superiors, their desires will force me to various, grotesque wygibasów, and after a period of one to five, will be released by committing the next ten years to be prepared to take up the same service, and meet the same orders. In the worst case, in addition to being subject to the above-mentioned conditions of oppression, will be sent to war, where I had to kill nationals of other countries who are innocent like me. I'll be risked death and disability, and sometimes will be sent to certain death, as it was in Sevastopol and in all other wars. The most painful is that it can be sent against my own countrymen, and I'd have to kill my brother for a totally foreign to me dynastic interests and government. That is comparing bad.
comparison of the benefits of obedience and disobedience to the government as follows: a man who agreed to military service, after swallowing all afrontów and committing all the atrocities, which were required of him, if not die, get red and gold bling, which will be able to attach to his clown outfit, and if lucky will be able to prove hundreds and thousands of people, as zdeprawowanymi like him. Function get Field Marshal and a lot of money.
benefits of conscientious objection include the preservation of human dignity, respect, honest people, and above all absolutely sure that it works honestly and is therefore useful to mankind.
These are the good and bad for the members of the wealthy, the oppressor class. For a poor man
working class are the same, with a predominance of negative sides. The particular disadvantage for the working man, who has agreed to military service lies in the fact that by their participation and the apparent acquiescence, strengthens the oppression under which they live.However, neither the general arguments on the need for and effectiveness of the state that people must maintain the participation in the military, nor the disclosure of the pluses and minuses of obedience and disobedience of individuals in the state can not resolve the necessity of the existence or destruction of state. This issue may be irrevocably and unconditionally terminated only by his conscience, and spiritual awareness of each individual, which reflects on the problem of the existence or nonexistence of the State with its universal military service.
more Tolstoy's essays can be found in future editions of Jasna Polana
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