2 eggs 1 teaspoon vinegar
1 teaspoon baking soda
bit of baking powder (on the tip of a teaspoon) ½ cup sugar
cup flour 2 tablespoons oil
Proteins separated from the yolks, beat to stiff, add sugar - beat. Yolk mixed with soda dissolved in vinegar, add to the proteins. Pour the oil, add flour and powder. Beat smooth. Bake in a springform pan with a diameter of at least 24 cm (with a smaller diameter will be too many ingredients into cream cheese.)
Cheese mass: 500 g
homogenized cheese (can be plain or vanilla)
500 ml double cream 3 tablespoons
icing sugar vanilla flavor
Milk Chocolate 1 kg of strawberries
6 teaspoons gelatine dissolved in hot water
jelly Strawberry
whip cream to stiff, add cream cheese, powdered sugar and flavor, blend smooth. Chocolate dissolve in water, wash the strawberries, odszypułkować. Some put the decorations, the rest of the blender to mix smoothly. 1 / 3 of the cheese combined with strawberries, 2 / 3 of chocolate. Apply alternately naponczowany sponge cake, decorate with strawberries. Put in the fridge when the mass hardens, put the strawberry jelly and tężejącą cool again.
Perfect for hot days:)
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