Thursday, May 19, 2011
How Long Do The Oz Rally Lancers Last 2003?
Declaration ideological
Today's workers are often disorganized, divided, have no contact with one another, they are intimidated and deprived of self-confidence. Trade unions are losing importance. This situation favors employers, who without any restrictions up to exploit their workers, using the protection of the state administration and state coercion. Alliance (often corrupt) between the political authorities in the country and the economy in the economy is directed against all working. Its purpose is to maintain social divisions. Rich, privileged in every respect the minority, having at the disposal of property, power and means of indoctrination, maintain and multiply their wealth through the work of the majority. Such a hierarchical social structure is the cause of most of the problems experienced in daily life by people worldwide suffering from mass unemployment, wage cuts, back to slave labor, child labor, poverty and hunger. interest which employers, both small business, well as large international corporations, is to consolidate the existing order, which gives them the freedom of exploitation of employed persons in the case of corporate raiding further exploitation of local communities. Real change can only come when workers no longer believe that their employer, multikorporacji owners, managers act in the interests of society.
fighting to regain control over our lives, both in the workplace, as well as at home. We are fighting a completely different face to the world, because we are convinced that Capitalism, like state socialism, can not be reformed. Profound changes are needed social, economic and political.
Our movement is also a reaction to the corrupt and extreme politicization of trade unions. We must reject the need for leaders - too often betrayed their cause, as he initially struggled. We are a grassroots, direct democracy as a form of organizing the protest movement of employees. The purpose of Workers' Initiative is not a direct struggle of workers, and only their urge for self-struggle to improve living conditions and release from under the oppression of any power. Workers' Initiative is a voluntary organization, where the fate of the member of the association depends on the involvement of others and vice versa. No laws are not more effective than human solidarity and mutual koleżeńskich relationship, both on professional and private life. We value your own initiative, communication skills, cooperation, assistance and explicitly uttered criticism.
The Workers' Initiative, we are all equal, regardless of the features that we act, education and earnings. In its activities, we independent of employers. Many of our on-site committee considered that it will use the so-called. union privileges, as we perceive them as a cause of oppression of trade unions. We do not want employers to union jobs, offices, telephones, faxes. Trade unions taking part in all of incapacitation are often later in their action. Activists get used to these comforts, and is difficult for them to give it up. Our rules give us an advantage, the employer often does not know how many of us are, and who belongs to an association. There has to reach us, can not corrupt us, because anything we do not want him to. Relationship of course, uses the law, but treats them as a weapon, especially when the employer victimizes workers and trade unionists.
spoken out against the political action and the use of the labor movement for political purposes and the current interests of political parties. We support the involvement of the labor movement in local issues, aiming to restore the genuine self-government. We consider it necessary international solidarity trade union movement and the Staff. We stand for immediate action, the manifestations, strikes and the boycott, as the most effective, but not the only weapon in the fight for workers' rights and radically democratic society. Utmost importance to the need to restore the autonomy of the cultural world of work as a counterweight to mass culture and consumerism offered by the her life style.
Workers' Initiative is a consensus of all those who are close to labor issues. We are a group fighting for workers' rights, which refers in its actions and ideas directly to the tradition of anarcho-syndicalism and revolutionary syndicalism. Gathered in the attempt to create an IP Traffic Staff based on the grassroots and voluntary self-governance - a movement that manages to exceed the imposed divisions among workers, so that, together and severally be able to lead an effective struggle for their rights and the overall impact on jobs. Through active participation in protests, strikes, cooperation and support we are trying to bring solidarity and actively help to present our ideas. IP operates on the principles of federation, a voluntary association of persons, in which each participant has an equal right to decide on matters concerning him.
Declaration Program
primary objectives of our relationship formulates the statute, which states that the tasks is the Workers' Initiative:
first Representing and defending the rights and interests of employees, citizens and social workers and others associated in the Union and their families.
second Shaping the social, professional ethics and the protection of the dignity of working people.
third Promoting equitable social and economic relations at the local, national and international levels. 4th The fight against mismanagement and fraud.
5th Interaction with the trade unions, organizations and social movements in the country and abroad on a partnership basis.
6th Action to improve the living standards of trade unionists and their families.
7th The impact on the self-government, democracy, social justice and solidarity in interpersonal relations.
8th Promoting cooperative labor and social forms of ownership of the means of production.
9th The struggle for better working conditions, its safety and a decent salary for all employees.
10th Promoting health and universal, free, equal access to it and to protect the natural environment.
Referring to the Declaration of ideological and statutory purposes of the Workers' Initiative, the National Congress of Delegates of the meeting decided to adopt in Poznan on 14 March 2009 the following key objectives of the fight, which should focus in the coming years. It is purely a legislative nature, demands and social.
the law demand that no action is primarily aimed towards more flexible labor laws, including primarily changes in the Labour Code, as well as other laws relating to collective bargaining, collective redundancies, unions etc. We demand a halt to legislative action to limit the right of workers to associate, to organize their protests and to influence decision-making in the workplace.
We demand the abolition of legal restrictions that hinder the transformation of municipal enterprises, public and state owned companies in the cooperative work uniting workers of these companies and cooperatives with the participation of municipal, county and state companies. Transforming these companies to the cooperatives should be subject to legal continuity, and not by liquidating the company and setting up new, which always brings with it several risks for existing employees.
We also demand the abolition of the prohibition on creating a cooperative, without setting a function of the employer. Under current rules an employer must be a cooperative president or president of, and may not perform this function, all workers, which blatantly restricts citizens' freedom of association and enforces them, only one organization of work, although not all accept it.
demand political and economic equality men and women.
on social grounds: first
We demand that unemployment was the same as the minimum wage. Allowance for the unemployed should be granted after a total of 6 months (or unemployed graduates immediately after graduation) for the period:
- 12 months in the districts and 5% unemployment rate
- 18 months in the districts from 6% to 10% rate Unemployment
- 24 months in the districts from 11% to 15% unemployment rate
- 36 months in the districts from 16% to 20% unemployment rate
- indefinite in counties of more than 20% unemployment rate
second We demand that the minimum wage in a given year was 50% of the average wage.
third We demand that all those unemployed and having the lowest wages (pensions), to grant housing allowances, which amount should be calculated depending on the housing situation in the municipality. We demand the development of the municipal building and the cessation of re-privatization of municipal housing stock.
4th We demand the elimination of employment contracts of limited duration. We are in favor of the standard: a contract for a probationary period up to 6 months, then only contract for an indefinite period.
5th We demand the introduction of mandatory pensions for all who have completed 60 years of age regardless of seniority and gender. Retirement should not be lower than the minimum wage.
Justification: We believe that every citizen and the worker must be on reaching the age of 60 freeze, which will allow him to survive in relatively good conditions. The vast majority of citizens throughout their lives working, regardless of whether it is documented or not. Changes in the labor market, high and very high unemployment rate periodically, makes often the only available work was (is) the work "black". Pensions are also those who work without pay at home, in their efforts of education, educational, care and support of persons employed, etc.
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