Thursday, May 26, 2011

How To Design Your Hair Like Dahvie Vanity

Strong Woman!

The job today is terribly .... wynudziłam additive for low takings got sick of 7zł manka .... I do not know how it becomes so to go! I hope they issue the money 100 times .... and yet! uh ..... I do not know, maybe sometimes the head of something in your pockets and forget to give me money .... and there! Well, it was but it was not for the payment of leakage pulls .... and what if it would be ok right?

And so at all today, all day we told her mother and aunt - all I knew about Martin!! Zaniemówili ... but a stone fell from my heart, because my mother unanimously said "throw it on the freaking face" ... but after the next wedding to which we go .... hmm .... 18.06 to see if this time will prove him the end of his sins against me!
Today, like almost everyone naskakiwał, my mother said that as many did not recognize him ... and I was "no clear, because he knows what awaits him soon," so right, feels confident that the ground under his feet he is on fire!
And I already have it somewhere else ... out of this situation I can not see ..... and now he will gather more strength to it and finally pack up!!

I am glad that I told my mom, but I know I will not stop thinking about it ... but well.
Besides even yesterday .... I got the news that M has so much debt in the work that the boss does not know himself how he wygrzebie of them .... in fact, apparently gets more cash than they 760zł .... long to tell ..... and now I do not know, do not care if I write about my feelings at the weekend .... probably because he could not even zrozmieć I - What it all was! Poczekałby little and żylibyśmy level, without fear that something is not enough, after repairs without financial problems ... but, well, apparently has greater expectations, that's what I tried to give him was not enough - not my fault!

I know I'm strong, that I am making progress .... but I still feel that it is not enough separation that the situation overwhelm me that I can not do alone, that loneliness is killing me, / Even by the time the job I do not any fun ..... and maybe already starting to complain?? .... Excuse me .... before the @ am ... I'm right;)


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