Thursday, March 15, 2007

Man Wear Panties

From paper to Web 3.0 chat'u

are accustomed to use the document. At work, at home, in college, the library says, kserujemy, write off, rent documents. The library collects, develops, publishes a bibliography describes the documents. This document provides a description of the basic unit and interests, information retrieval processes. However, wherewith he is? It turns out that a traditional paper very strongly involved with the matter, his carrier. We are accustomed to see him through his physicality. However, this involves the loss of significant amounts of information. For society information is important because the book itself is not understood as a form, no magazine, no cassette or floppy disc but their contents ( content), information stored on them, for example, even a single song from the CD (for example, that a work and not the whole album or an album, an object of desire, it may be the popularity of online shops selling separate pieces for mobile phones, MP3 players, iPods, etc.). This is also with the development of information technology began to manifest itself in completely new ways. Knowledge is perpetuated today in an e-mail, sheets spreadsheets, charts, forms, presentations, may be a virtual pogawędkach. On the horizon of interests within modern bibliographies are already living or inanimate objects, static and moving, even non-existent places, including locations of extraterrestrial and even abstract concepts, service or event!

of descriptions for these phenomena are introducing new concepts such as information object, digital object, the entity, or even an object leksja dokumentopodobny, much better reflecting independence from physical media. Tools to tame these phenomena is a modern modele opisu jak np.: Dublin Core (DC) czy Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), co ciekawe, czytelne zarówno maszynowo jak i dla człowieka. Nadchodzi epoka, w której przyjdzie nam zmienić sposób postrzegania źródła. Forma stanie się bardziej przejrzysta, mniej istotna, dostrzeżemy poprzez nią i uwolnimy wartość najważniejszą – WIEDZĘ.


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