Saturday, March 3, 2007

Upanayanam Invitation Template

Zizek and Web 2.0

interesting text Zizka quite sharply criticizes the virtual world with all its apparent advantages. An important prize awarded annually Man of the Year by Time magazine received by Zizek (quote) each, who uses the Internet or create content as that . The difference between the recipient and the creator is quite obvious. Although the scale of comparison, which for the moment I will use is exaggerated, but it may help to realize what a mistake committed philosopher. To date, give the title Man of the Year in 2006, the community, usually the Time Magazine chose to outstanding individuals. Despite the fact that several were awarded as an abstract example, an American soldier, the Hungarian Uprising, a personal computer or the community - the American middle class and the descendants of the population boom, but these were isolated incidents. Most of the winners were characterized by activity (except a personal computer). In this case, the editors of Time Magazine, and acted like nagrodziła społeczność tworzącą zawartość internetu, a właściwie Web 2.0, a nie biernych odbiorców!

Jeśli Zizkowi wydaje się – pozwolę sobie tutaj zacytować - że każdy, kto patrzy na okładkę "Time'a", nie widzi innych, z którymi jakoby bezpośrednio się komunikuje, lecz lustrzane odbicie samego siebie. Czy wadą jest ujrzenie własnego odbicia w sieci? Czy możność wypowiedzenia się w medium docierającym do milionów ludzi jest mało znaczące i internauta otaczając się podobnymi do niego i spędzając coraz więcej czasu w sieci przestaje dostrzegać real world? A philosopher can imagine such a surfer as an avatar functioning in an alternate world of Second Life, where a locksmith can be a journalist, a hairdresser pop star? And even if so, whether those avatars can not speak freely?

It seems to me that Zizek is wrong. The argument for this could be the opportunity to influence the virtual world to reality even Polish media (see the blog affair Eliza Michalik: a , 2 and 3) whether the rumors posted on a blog, which led to the spread of news of a president, assistant and a fine cigar (a version presented in December in Warsaw, Alexander Bard).


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