Thursday, April 26, 2007

Does A Dazzle Need Software?

practical universal source

reading texts in their electronic form is not the most pleasant form of contact with the work of the reader, but it is this form of information is perfect for the processes of information-retrieval systems. It is not surprising that the activities of Bibliographic moves to the Internet. Perhaps soon the majority of contacts such as on line user - the bibliography will be carried over the network, while probably blurred the boundaries will allow a clear distinction between these types of sources as a catalog, bibliography, index, or even the library collection. They will be integrated within the framework created hipermedialnego time, a universal source of information. If your idea of \u200b\u200bcrowding out traditional documents through an electronic has a chance of success, it will probably reach a specific category, which is developing the information. Contrary to appearances, this is not a pessimistic vision.
From the information point of view, it seems that the most important feature of hypertext, which allows you to mix and match objects information. This gives the current interpretations of even breakthrough opportunities. Here are the records of library catalogs, but also such information on the Internet bookselling located in a very simple way, often by a "clicking" allow the user to order the book, indicates in the library, or repository, and where it is located closest to the position (even if we were in "remote" corner of the world), shows online bookstores where you can purchase the full text of document supply if it is available to the public in electronic form, indeed allows to read its contents, abstract or excerpt. Studies are mostly devoid of bibliographic existing restrictions: the territorial, linguistic, chronological, or of the type described materials. Records in the bibliography using the invention of hypertext and the Web are no longer static. Meet not only the function of indicating, Signal, but they are alive, they will be given new power is impressive from the eyes of a specific user, the target sought by the information already available in a click computer mouse. They can also move the user directly to the document containing the wanted content to specific phrases, or lessons per entity. Cataloguing a wealth of new features. It was not only descriptive but also the role of animation, it becomes an interactive tool for responding to user activity.


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