Monday, April 30, 2007

How Many Cals In A Small Fried Rice Curry Sauce

Netspeak =

Any form of communication is second to only the appropriate features and is geared to achieve the proper purposes only. With the development of new ways of communication, using newer equipment and technological developments created an entirely new varieties of old behaviors and communication. Any change involves another change. Recently a new, notable sphere of human activity, which does have specific and distinct ways of communicating and therefore the appropriate style of speech is the Internet.

Internet, a global network, electronic communication, so for example, IRC, instant messaging, SMS provides an opportunity to communicate information, however, information transmitted via the network have specific characteristics and are constructed in a specific style - netspeaku. Netspeak has been accurately described by Monika Górska-Olesińską , there is no need to build a detailed analysis, but I want to draw only one main thing for me netspeaku.

Just as before the creation of writing, printing, photography, radio or television resulted in the formation of various types of speech, such as species of journalism, so today the emergence of new computer technologies and the development of the Internet gives rise to new species of expression, such as blogs.
Style, Internet Internet variant of the Polish language, the language of the Internet, the language of the Internet, netlish, weblish, netlingo, wired styles cyberspeak, e-language, e-talk, e-disc like to call this phenomenon is primarily geared to the objective What is rapid and effective communication. Hence, so many "errors", errors, lack of punctuation and spelling, abbreviations, acronyms, stirring speech to the letter, skryptualizowanie speech, language mixing, etc. In the same way can be explained why more and more websites are built in Esperanto. Well, after all, Esperanto is system that can be mastered in a relatively short period of time, and thereby gain the ability to communicate and exchange information with people around the world, because as we know there is no corner of the globe where there is a group practicing funkcjonowałaby Esperanto.

Remember finally that one of the synonyms virtual token is Practical . Connotation of practicality is easy to explain. After all, this virtual reality is in fact a practical reality meets a whole range of utilitarian and pragmatic tasks. gives, for example, the exact characteristics of the virtual elements the same as those elements are actually existing in reality . Virtual reality has been created if only for practical purposes.


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